Interface TestRecordsRenderer

All Superinterfaces:
BasicRenderer, Renderer<TestRecordsRenderer>

public interface TestRecordsRenderer extends Renderer<TestRecordsRenderer>
  • Method Details

    • addTestRecord

      void addTestRecord(@NotNull TestRecord testRecord)
      Adds a test record to be rendered.
    • withFields

      @NotNull TestRecordsRenderer withFields(@NotNull Collection<String> fields)
      Sets test record fields that are rendered in columns of the table.
    • withField

      @NotNull TestRecordsRenderer withField(@NotNull String fieldId)
      Sets the test record field so that it's rendered in a table column.
    • expanded

      @NotNull TestRecordsRenderer expanded(boolean value)
      Sets if test record details should be expanded or collapsed (the fields are always shown). If both expandable and expanded is set to false, the details won't be rendered at all.
    • expandable

      @NotNull TestRecordsRenderer expandable(boolean expandable)
      Enables the ability to expand/collapse the test record details (the fields are always shown). Default is true.