Interface PortalLinkBuilder

public interface PortalLinkBuilder
Instances can be obtained from SharedContext.createPortalLink()
  • Method Details

    • repository

      @NotNull RepositoryLinkBuilder repository()
      Returns builder for building links to repository scope. The returned builder can be also used as the link if no other parameters are needed.
    • projectGroup

      @NotNull ProjectGroupLinkBuilder projectGroup(@Nullable String projectGroupPath)
      Returns builder for building links to project group scope. The returned builder can be also used as the link if no other parameters are needed.
      projectGroupPath - path to project group where / is used as delimiter. Can be null or empty - than it means "repository", which can be also represented as single /
    • project

      @NotNull ProjectLinkBuilder project(@NotNull String id)
      Returns builder for building links to project scope. The returned builder can be also used as the link if no other parameters are needed.
      id - can not be null or empty
      IllegalArgumentException - if project is null or empty
    • workItems

      @NotNull WorkItemsLinkBuilder workItems()
      Returns the builder that creates links to Work Items for the global scope. The returned builder can also be used as the link if no other parameters are required.
    • outsideOfBaseline

      @NotNull PortalLinkBuilder outsideOfBaseline()
      Returns builder for building links outside of the baseline. Should be used only in exceptional cases when the link should really go outside of baseline The returned builder can be also used as the link if no other parameters are needed.
    • baseline

      @NotNull PortalLinkBuilder baseline(@Nullable String baselineRevision)
      Returns builder for building links inside of the specified baseline, The returned builder can be also used as the link if no other parameters are needed.
    • script

      @NotNull ScriptLinkBuilder script(@NotNull String id)
      Returns a builder for constructing links to a specified script. The returned builder can be also used as the link if no other parameters are needed.
    • baselineCollections

      @NotNull BaselineCollectionsLinkBuilder baselineCollections()
      Returns the builder that creates links to Baseline Collections for the Global Scope. The returned builder can also be the link if no other parameters are required.