Package com.polarion.alm.tracker.workflow
package com.polarion.alm.tracker.workflow
ClassDescriptionEncapsulation of the condition/function/validator arguments, as defined in the workflow definition file.ICallContext<T extends IWorkflowObject>Handles the context data used for workflow functions, conditions and validators.ICondition<T extends IWorkflowObject>Deprecated.This interface serves for discovery of existing workflow conditions, functions and validators and for instantiations of these.IFunction<T extends IWorkflowObject>Workflow functions are automatically executed upon the action execution.ISignaturePolicy<T extends IWorkflowObject>Signature policy determines the overall signature state from a list of signatures.IWorkflowCondition<T extends IWorkflowObject>Workflow conditions assigned to a particular workflow action are checked to determine, whether the action is permitted at given time.Handles the functionality related to workflow - both the workflow transitions (these have delegate methods on
interface, so don't have to be called directly) and for work with the workflow configuration.