Interface IHasCustomValues

All Known Subinterfaces:
IApprovalStruct, IAttachment, IAttachmentBase, IBaseline, IBaselineCollection, IBaselineCollectionElement, IBuild, IBuildArtifact, IBuildDeploymentArtifact, IBuildEvent, IBuildEvents, IBuildLinkedWorkItemStruct, IBuildTestResults, ICategory, IComment, ICommentBase<T>, IDocumentWorkflowSignature, IExternallyLinkedWorkItemStruct, IFeatureSelection, IFeatureSelectionItem, IGroupEntity, IGroupUniqueObject, IHyperlinkStruct, ILinkedOslcResourceStruct, ILinkedRevisionStruct, ILinkedWorkItemStruct, IModule, IModule.IOutlineNumberingDef, IModule.IRenderingLayoutStruct, IModule.IStructureNode, IModuleAttachment, IModuleComment, IModuleComment.IImportedCommentStruct, IParameterDefinitionStruct, IParametersAndDefinitionsStruct, IParameterStruct<T>, IPlan, IPlanningConstraintStruct, IPlanRecord, IPObject, IProject, IProjectGroup, IPrototype, IRevision, IRichPage, IRichPageAttachment, IRichPageComment, IRow, IScript, ISignature, ISignatureData, IStructure, ITable, ITestRecord, ITestRun, ITestRunAttachment, ITestRunComment, ITestRunWorkflowSignature, ITestStep, ITestStepResult, ITestSteps, ITimePoint, ITrackerBuild, ITrackerProject, ITrackerRevision, ITrackerUser, IUniqueObject, IUser, IUserGroup, IWatchList, IWikiPage, IWikiPageAttachment, IWithLinkedOslcResources, IWorkflowObject, IWorkflowSignature, IWorkItem, IWorkItemWorkflowSignature, IWorkRecord
All Known Implementing Classes:
PObject, Revision, Structure

public interface IHasCustomValues
  • Method Details

    • getCustomField

      @Nullable Object getCustomField(@NotNull String key)
      key - The value of the given custom field or null if no such value exists.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the key is the name of the field defined by the prototype (this tries to discover coding errors quickly)
    • setCustomField

      void setCustomField(@NotNull String key, @Nullable Object value)
      Sets the value of the given custom field. The value type must be checked against the custom field configuration. If the field configuration does not exist, only the String value is accepted.
      key -
      value -
    • getCustomFieldsList

      @NotNull Collection<String> getCustomFieldsList()
      Collection of String names of custom fields, which are defined for this object or exist on this object.
    • getCustomFieldPrototype

      @NotNull ICustomField getCustomFieldPrototype(@NotNull String key)
      Shortcut for ICustomFieldsService.getCustomField(key, getProtoName(), getContextId())
      key -
      See Also: