
Modifiers and TypeNameDescription
String getProjectIdForLocation(ILocation) This method is used during decision, how the {@link IContextId} for given location will look like - whether it's a project one or group one.

Call to {@link #locationsMoved(List)} will update this information.

ContextNature determineContextNature(IContext) Determines the nature for given context. The nature logic/consistency is maintained by the ContextService, which is able to recognize {@link ContextNature#ROOT_NATURE} {@link ContextNature#REPOSITORY_NATURE} . Contexts below these are travesrsed and passed to this function. If null is returned, than child contexts are examined. If there is any child (even deep one) with {@link ContextNature#PROJECT_NATURE} then the context receives {@link ContextNature#PROJECT_GROUP_NATURE} , otherwise it's not considered context any more. If {@link ContextNature#IGNORE_NATURE} is returned, than the context and it's children are ignored (are not considered being contexts any more).
void setContextService(IContextService) Used to init with context service, which might be needed to implementation of {@link com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.context.IContextObjectMapper} . This method should be called by the ContextService itself
void locationsMoved(List) Notification, that location, which maps-to (and possibly contains) some contexts was moved.

Called by the service, so that the provider can update it's internal state, before the procession of the new locations will start.

Collection getHistoricalLocations(String)

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