
Modifiers and TypeNameDescription
T wrapOption(String) Wraps any given ID into a valid option of this enumeration.

This is needed to correctly handle any values coming e.g. from the storage.

This method checks all the option definitions for all controlValues and returns the correct value if it appears in any of them. If no definition is found, then phantom option is created.

T wrapOption(String,Object) Wraps any given ID into a valid option of this enumeration.

This method checks only the option definition for given controlValue (even if null). If no definition is found, then phantom option is created.

T wrapOption(String,IPObject) Wraps any given ID into a valid option of this enumeration.

This method checks only the option definition applicable to given object. If no definition is found, then phantom option is created.

If pobject is not specified then it acts as {@link #wrapOption(String,Object)} with null control value.

List getAvailableOptions(Object) Currently, the control value can be only {@link String} or {@link IEnumOption} . Passing in something else will result in {@link UnsupportedOperationException}

String getControlKey()
List getAllOptions()
List getAvailableOptions(Object,IEnumOption) Currently, the control value can be only {@link String} or {@link IEnumOption} . Passing in something else will result in {@link UnsupportedOperationException} .

T getDefaultOption(Object)

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