
Modifiers and TypeNameDescription
String getName()
String getTitle()
String getTitleOrName() Returns the full path of this folder in a "Parent folder name / current folder name" format or only the current folder name if there is no parent folder. If the folders have titles, the titles are used instead of the names.
String getTitleOrName(String) Returns the full path of this folder in a "Parent folder name {SEPERATOR} current folder name" format or only the current folder name if there is no parent folder. If the folders have titles, the titles are used instead of the names.
IProject getProject()
List getChildFolders() Returns a list of {@link IFolder} contained in this folder.
IFolder getParent() Returns parent {@link IFolder} . Returns null for the root folder.
IFolder searchFolder(String) Search deeply contained folders by folder name.
IFolder createSubFolder(String,String) Creates a new sub folder in this folder.
ISpacePermissions can()
IContextId getContextId()
IUser getAuthor()

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