
Modifiers and TypeNameDescription
public Activity(String,String,String,IContextId,String,Text,Date,String,Set,Map)
public Activity(String,String,String,IContextId,String,Text,Date,String,Set,Map,List)
Modifiers and TypeNameDescription
public, String getGlobalId()
public, String getSourceId()
public, String getId()
public, String getPrefix()
public, IContextId getContextId()
public, String getType()
public, Text getInfo()
public, Date getTimestamp()
public, String getUserId()
public, Set getResourceLocations()
public, Map getCustomValues()
public, List getComments()
public, Activity cloneWithComments(List)
public, Activity cloneWithInfo(Text)
public, int compareByTimestamp(Activity)
public, List getChangedFields() Returns the list of fields that will appear as changed in this activity.

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