
Modifiers and TypeNameDescription
List getExportFields(IContextId) Fields that are prescribed in the template for export. If the corresponding exporter does not support the export of the selected fields, (see {@link IExporterDescriptor#getFieldExportCapability()} ), an empty list is returned.
String getLabel() The template's label. Can be null if this template is a custom template. (One that is not stored in a repository.)
String getName() The name of the template that serves as the ID. The name must be unique with the context of where it is used). Can be null if this template is a custom template. (One that is not stored in a repository.)
ILocation getLocation() The location of the template within the repository. Returns null if this template is a custom template. (One that is not stored in a repository.)
IContextId getContextId() Returns the context where the template is defined. Returns null if this template is a custom template. (One that is not stored in a repository.).

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