
Modifiers and TypeNameDescription
public, final, static, String COMPONENT_DELIM Location component delimiter (as {@link String} ).
public, final, static, char COMPONENT_DELIM_CHAR Location component delimiter (as char).
Modifiers and TypeNameDescription
public, boolean containsRepositoryName() Whether this location has repository name.
public, boolean isRelative() Whether this location is relative (locations with repository names are always absolute).
public, ILocation getAbsoluteLocation(ILocation) Compute absolute location from root location and this location and return new location.
public, ILocation getRelativeLocation(ILocation) Relativize this location against given root (which may be relative) and return new location.
public, boolean hasRootLocation(ILocation) Whether given location is root of this location.

Positive answer allows {@link #getRelativeLocation(ILocation)} to succeed.

public, int getComponentCount()
public, String getLastComponent() Return last component of this location.

Same as getComponent(getComponentCount()-1)

public, String getLastComponentExtension() Returns the extension of the last component of this location, i.e. the suffix of the last component starting with the last '.'. Returns an empty string if there is no '.' in the last component. Returns null if this location is empty (i.e. if {@link #getLastComponent()} returns null).
public, String getLastComponentWithoutExtension() Returns the last component of this location without the extension, i.e. the prefix of the last component before the last '.'. Returns the entire last component if there is no '.' in it. Returns null if this location is empty (i.e. if {@link #getLastComponent()} returns null).
public, String getFirstComponent() Returns the first coponent of this location.

Same as getComponent(0)

public, String getComponent(int) Returns n-th component of the location. The n can range from 0 (first component) to getComponentCount()-1 (lastComponent).
public, List getComponents() The resulting list is unmodifiable.
public, int findComponentSequence(List) Searches this path components for the given sequence and if found, returns the position of the first component from the sequence in this location's {@link #getComponents()} .
public, int findComponentSequence(String) Same as {@link #findComponentSequence(List)} but sequence defined as String (e.g. "/some/sequence") the leading and trailing slashes are ignored.
public, boolean containsComponentSequence(List) Shortcut for findComponentSequence(sequence) != -1
public, boolean containsComponentSequence(String) Same as {@link #containsComponentSequence(List)} but sequence defined as String (e.f. "/some/sequence") the leading and trailing / have no meaning.
public, boolean containsComponent(String)
public, boolean startsWithComponentSequence(List) Shortcut for findComponentSequence(sequence) == 0
public, boolean startsWithComponentSequence(String) Same as {@link #startsWithComponentSequence(List)} but sequence defined as String (e.f. "/some/sequence") the leading and trailing / have no meaning.
public, ILocation removeFirstComponents(int) Removes the first n components from the location path.
public, ILocation setComponent(int,String) Creates new location, which is same as this one, but has newComponent on the nth place.
public, ILocation addOneComponentTowards(String) Returns the location for which it holds: new_location.getParentLocation().equals(this) The extra segment is taken from the given path.


 this: [REPO]/some/ path: /some/longer/path/to/go result: [REPO]/some/longer/ 
public, ILocation append(String) Append given location path to this location and return new location.
public, ILocation append(ILocation) Append given location to this location and return new location. Revision of given location is ignored.
public, String getRepositoryName() Return repository name (if any).
ILocation setRepositoryName(String) Returns new location with specified repository name.
public, ILocation removeRepositoryName() Remove repository name (if any) from this location and return new location.
public, String getLocationPath() Return location path.
public, ILocation getParentLocation() Return parent location (location without last component).
public, String getRevision() Return revision (if any).
public, ILocation removeRevision() Remove revision from this location and return new location.
public, ILocation setRevision(String) Set revision of this location and return new location.
public, ILocation replaceLocationPath(String) Replace current location path with given location path and return new location.
public, boolean hasRevision() Whether this location has revision.
public, String serialize() Converts the location into {@link String} . The exact format of the resulting string is not defined. Use {@link Location#deserializeLocation(String)} to convert the resulting string back to object.

The resulting {@link String} should be human readable.

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