
Modifiers and TypeNameDescription
IWorkItem createOrFindTestCaseWorkItem(String,String,IWorkItem) Finds a Work Item in the specified project with the type specified by {@link TestsConfiguration#getTestCaseWorkItemType()} that has the same value in the custom field specified by {@link TestsConfiguration#getTestCaseIdCustomField()} as the {@code testCaseId} parameter. When there is no such Work Item, then the method creates a new Work Item and sets the value of the {@code testCaseId} parameter to the above mentioned custom field.
boolean isAutomatedTestCase(IWorkItem) Checks if the given Work Item was created by the {@link #createOrFindTestCaseWorkItem(String,String,IWorkItem)} method by checking if it has a populated custom field that is fille-in by the {@link #createOrFindTestCaseWorkItem(String,String,IWorkItem)} method.
ITestsFileProcessor createTestsFileProcessor(String,String) Creates a tests file processor.
ITestRun getTestRun(String,String) Returns a Test Run from the specified project with the specified id.
ITestRun getTestRun(String,String,String) Returns a Test Run from the specified project with the specified id and revision.
ITestRun createTestRun(String,String,String) Creates an unsaved Test Run in the specified project with the specified id and initializes it from the specified template. {@link ITestRun#save()} must be called on the returned object after the caller has finished setting the fields.
ITestRun createTestRun(String,String,String,boolean) Creates an unsaved Test Run in the specified project with the specified id and initializes it from the specified template. {@link ITestRun#save()} must be called on the returned object after the caller is finished setting the fields.
List searchTestRuns(String,String,int) Searches for Test Runs matching the query.
List searchTestRunTemplates(String,String,int) Searches for Test Run templates matching the query.
List getLastTestRecords(IWorkItem,int) Returns the latest Test Records by execution time for the test case. (The most recent are first.)
boolean isConfigurationDefined(String)
TestsConfiguration getConfiguration(String) Returns the test configuration that also contains the generic {@link TestRunsConfiguration} . Use {@link #getTestRunsConfiguration(String,String)} to get the type-specific Test Runs configuration.
void saveConfiguration(String,TestsConfiguration) Saves the test's configuration and the contained generic {@link TestRunsConfiguration} and {@link TestCaseFailureConfiguration} .
TestRunsConfiguration getTestRunsConfiguration(String,String) Returns the Test Run configuration for the given Test Run type.
IEnumeration getTestRecordResultEnum(String)
IEnumeration getTestRunTypeEnum(String)
IEnumeration getTestRunStatusEnum(String)
ILinkRoleOpt getConfiguredDefectToTestCaseLinkRole(String,String)
ITestManagementPolicy getPolicy()
ITestSteps getTestSteps(IWorkItem)
void setTestSteps(IWorkItem,ITestSteps)
ICustomField getTestStepsCustomField(IWorkItem)
ICustomField getTestStepsCustomField(String,String)
List getTestStepsKeys(String) Returns the default Test Step keys for all Work Item types.
List getTestStepsKeys(String,String) Returns Test Step keys for a specific Work Item type.
void deleteTestRuns(Collection) Deletes the Test Runs specified in the input set.
IScopeSelector<IParametersLibrary> testParametersLibrary() Returns the project level test parameter library.

The global library is not supported, so using {@link IScopeSelector#global()} or {@link IScopeSelector#forProject(String)} with a null value returns an empty library.
ITrackDefectByRulesBuilder trackDefectByRules() Creates a builder for the processing of test failures into tracked defects.

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