Modifiers and Type | Name | Description |
String | PROTO | |
String | KEY_NAME | |
String | KEY_RECORDS | |
String | KEY_PARENT | |
String | KEY_START_DATE | |
String | KEY_DUE_DATE | |
String | KEY_STATUS | |
String | KEY_STARTED_ON | |
String | KEY_FINISHED_ON | |
String | KEY_CAPACITY | |
String | KEY_IS_TEMPLATE | |
String | KEY_TEMPLATE | |
String | KEY_SORT_ORDER | |
String | KEY_COLOR | |
String | KEY_AUTHOR | |
String | KEY_CREATED | |
String | KEY_UPDATED | |
String | KEY_LOCATION | |
String[] | FIELD_ORDER | |
Modifiers and Type | Name | Description |
String | getName() | |
void | setName(String) | |
String | getLabel() | Returns label for the plan which is name or id. Never returns empty string or throws exception even when the Plan is unresolvable or the current user cannot read the name. |
Text | getDescription() | |
void | setDescription(Text) | |
Text | getHomePageContent() | |
void | setHomePageContent(Text) | |
List | getRecords() | |
IPlanRecord | addRecord(IWorkItem) | If the record for given Work Item already exists than it is returned instead of creating a new one |
void | removeRecord(IWorkItem) | Removes all records for the given item (Normally only one record for each item is supported in Plan) |
void | removeUnresolvableItems() | Removes records for unresolvable items. |
LinkedHashSet | getItems() | The returned set does not contain null values. |
List | getOrderedItems() | Returns child items from persisted object in the order that respects {@link #getPrioritizationField()} |
LinkedHashSet | getResolvableItems() | Returns items from the plan that are still exist. The iterator never returns null value. The result is computed using database which is faster, but ignores not saved changes in the Plan object. |
IPlan | getParent() | |
void | setParent(IPlan) | |
DateOnly | getStartDate() | |
void | setStartDate(DateOnly) | |
DateOnly | getDueDate() | |
void | setDueDate(DateOnly) | |
IStatusOpt | getStatus() | |
void | setStatus(IStatusOpt) | |
Date | getStartedOn() | |
void | setStartedOn(Date) | |
Date | getFinishedOn() | |
void | setFinishedOn(Date) | |
List | getAllowedTypes() | |
String | getPrioritizationField() | |
void | setPrioritizationField(String) | |
IEnumOption | getCalculationType() | |
void | setCalculationType(IEnumOption) | |
String | getEstimationField() | |
void | setEstimationField(String) | |
Float | getDefaultEstimate() | |
void | setDefaultEstimate(Float) | |
Float | getCapacity() | |
void | setCapacity(Float) | |
DurationTime | getPreviousTimeSpent() | |
void | setPreviousTimeSpent(DurationTime) | |
boolean | isTemplate() | |
void | setIsTemplate(boolean) | |
IPlan | getTemplate() | |
boolean | isUseReportFromTemplate() | {@code true} indicates that Plan's Report ( {@link #KEY_HOMEPAGECONTENT} ) from this Plan should be ignored and instead it should be read from the template ( {@link #KEY_TEMPLATE} ). It is supported only for Rich Page Plans. |
void | setUseReportFromTemplate(boolean) | |
void | copyFromTemplate(IPlan) | Copies field values and wiki page with attachments from plan template (if the template is wiki based). If this plan is a template then copies all fields, otherwise copies fields in {@link #FIELDS_FROM_TEMPLATE} (with exception of {@link #KEY_HOMEPAGECONTENT} which is not copied when {@link #KEY_USE_REPORT_FROM_TEMPLATE} is set to true) and sets the {@link #KEY_TEMPLATE} field to the plan template. |
Integer | getSortOrder() | |
void | setSortOrder(Integer) | |
String | getColor() | |
void | setColor(String) | |
String | getDecorationColor() | Returns the decoration color for this plan either directly from color field, or from color field of the template of this plan. |
boolean | wasStarted() | Returns true if plan status is different from initial (default) status, false otherwise. |
boolean | isFinished() | Returns true if plan is finished. |
IUser | getAuthor() | |
Date | getCreated() | |
Date | getUpdated() | |
void | delete() | |
IPlanStatistics | getStatistics() | |
Float | getPlannedEstimateForItem(IWorkItem) | Returns the planned estimate value for the given Work Item in this Plan - it is based on value of some field of the given work item depending on the configuration of this Plan. Default estimate value is returned when the given Work Item field is empty. Returned null value means that the given Work Item is not allowed in this Plan because of it's type and project span depending on the configuration of this Plan (headings are never allowed). |
boolean | areValuesInHours() | Returns true when this Plan is configured in such way that the {@link #getPlannedEstimateForItem(IWorkItem)} method returns the values which are in hours. |
List | getChildren() | Returns children plans sorted the same way as in the UI - see {@link #DEFAULT_SORT} |
Date | getCurrentDate() | Returns 'now' if plan is from HEAD or time when plan's revision (or baseline revision) was created. |
float | getIdealProgressFactor(Date) | Return ideal progress factor for the plan. Value is 0 at plan's start and is 1 at plan's end. |
Text | getWikiContent() | Returns the wiki content of the plan |
void | setWikiContent(Text) | Sets the wiki content of the plan |
public, IPlan | getFinishedPlan() | Gets an IPlan state from the revision in which plan was finished |
List | getProjectSpan() | Returns project span of the plan. Project span defines from which project(s) Work Items can be planned. If returned project span is empty, then only Work Items from the project of this plan can be planned. |
boolean | isRichPagePlan() |
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