Interface Renderer<T extends Renderer<T>>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ApprovalRenderer, BaselineCollectionRenderer, BaselineRenderer, BuildRenderer, CategoryRenderer, CommentBaseRenderer<T>, CommentRenderer, DateFieldRenderer, DocumentRenderer, EnumOptionRenderer, FloatFieldRenderer, HyperlinkUriFieldRenderer, LinkedOslcResourceRenderer, LinkedResourcePositionRenderer, LinkedWorkItemRenderer, LinkedWorkItemsRenderer, PlanningConstraintRenderer, PlanRenderer, ProjectRenderer, RemoteDataRenderer<T>, RendererOfIterable, RevisionRenderer, RichPageRenderer, RichTextFieldRenderer, SignatureRenderer, TestRecordRenderer, TestRecordsRenderer, TestRunRenderer, TestStepsRenderer, TimePointRenderer, UserGroupRenderer, UserRenderer, WikiPageRenderer, WorkflowSignatureRenderer, WorkItemRenderer, WorkRecordRenderer

public interface Renderer<T extends Renderer<T>> extends BasicRenderer
  • Method Details

    • withLinks

      @NotNull T withLinks(boolean value)
      Configures this renderer to produce links in the result. The default is false when this method is not called.
      The same instance to allow for method chaining.
    • withLinks

      @NotNull T withLinks()
      Shortcut for calling withLinks(boolean) with true.
    • openLinksInNewWindow

      @NotNull T openLinksInNewWindow(boolean value)
      Configures this renderer so that the links it produces will open in a new window. The default is false when this method is not called.
      The same instance to allow for method chaining.
      See Also:
    • openLinksInNewWindow

      @NotNull T openLinksInNewWindow()
      Shortcut for calling openLinksInNewWindow(boolean) with true.
    • withIcon

      @NotNull T withIcon(boolean value)
      The default is true when this method is not called.
      The same instance to allow for method chaining.
    • withIcon

      T withIcon()
      Shortcut for calling withIcon(boolean) with true.
    • withText

      T withText(boolean value)
      Default is true when this method is not called.
      the same instance to allow for method chaining.
    • withText

      T withText()
      Shortcut for calling withText(boolean) with true.
    • withBaselineIcon

      @NotNull T withBaselineIcon(boolean value)
      Configures if the baseline icon should be shown. It does not influence other things that depend on the Baseline, for example links when withLinks(boolean) is true
      The default is false when this method is not called.
      the same instance to allow for method chaining.
    • withBaselineIcon

      T withBaselineIcon()
      Shortcut for calling withBaselineIcon(boolean) with true.
    • htmlFor

      @NotNull HtmlBuilderTargetSelector<String> htmlFor()
      Completes the configuration of rendering options and renders the html for the target that is selected using the returned selector. This method is automatically called from the Object.toString() on this object (together with the method on the selector) when the 'implicit target' is set. Currently the implicit target is set when rendering the RichPageWidget. So, for example, in a Velocity widget you can (and should) render a Work Item by calling just $workItem.render(). (Should always be done like this in widgets or render to the builder created by RichPageRenderingContext.createHtmlFragmentBuilder() to ensure that the right target is used.)
      Specified by:
      htmlFor in interface BasicRenderer
    • htmlTo

      void htmlTo(@NotNull HtmlContentBuilder builder)
      Completes the configuration of rendering options and renders the html to the given builder.
      Specified by:
      htmlTo in interface BasicRenderer
    • withRevisionIcon

      @NotNull T withRevisionIcon(boolean value)
      The default value is true when the method is not called.
      If withIcon(boolean) was called with false, then this method has no effect at all. If withRevisionIcon(boolean) is called with true, then the value of withRevisionOrBaselineIcon is automatically set to false to prevent the duplication of the icons.
    • withRevisionIcon

      @NotNull T withRevisionIcon()
      Shortcut for calling withRevisionIcon(boolean) with true. If withRevisionIcon() is called, then the value of withRevisionOrBaselineIcon is automatically set to false to prevent the duplication of the icons.
    • withRevisionOrBaselineIcon

      @NotNull T withRevisionOrBaselineIcon(boolean withRevisionOrBaselineIcon)
      The default value is false when the method is not called.
      If withIcon(boolean) was called with false, then this method has no effect at all. If withRevisionOrBaselineIcon(boolean) is called with true, it shows a revision's icon or (if the revision has a baseline - the baseline's icon) and the number of the revision (the name of the baseline). If withRevisionOrBaselineIcon(boolean) is called with true, then the value of withRevisionIcon is automatically set to false to prevent the duplication of the icons.
    • withRevisionIconInBaseline

      @NotNull T withRevisionIconInBaseline(boolean withRevisionIconInBaseline)
      If withRevisionIconInBaseline(boolean) is called with true, withRevisionIcon(boolean) is called with true and the rendered object has no requested revision, then the current baseline's revision (if any) is used as the tooltip on the revision icon.