
Modifiers and TypeNameDescription
ILocation DEFAULT_SPACE_LOCATION Default location for Documents
String DEFAULT_LAYOUTER Default module page layouter (always exists).
String PARAGRAPH_LAYOUTER Paragraph module page layouter - work item is one paragraph.
String SECTION_LAYOUTER Section module page layouter - work item is section which contains heading and several paragraphs.
String TITLE_TESTSTEPS_LAYOUTER Title and test steps layouter.
String TITLE_DESC_TESTSTEPS_LAYOUTER Title, description and test steps layouter.
String TITLE_LAYOUTER Layouter for just the title.
Modifiers and TypeNameDescription
IWorkItem createWorkItem(IProject,ILocation) Creates an instance of a Work Item, which (after being persistent) will be stored in the Module at the given location.

Note, that this function just creates the java instance, which is not persisted in any way and call to the {@link IPObject#save()} method is necessary to persist it.

List getSubFolders(IProject,ILocation) Retrieves the folders with Documents below the given location relative to the Documents' root in the given project.

Note: Folder in this interface has a different meaning than in {@link IFolderManager} . Here it refers to a folder in the repository. These folders have a different hierarchy than {@link IFolder} s. (There is only a single folder level in the repository.)

List getModules(IProject,ILocation) Retrieves the modules contained in the given location. It the location is a location of a module a collection with the single module will be returned.
IModule getModule(IProject,ILocation) Retrieves the module with the given location.
boolean existModule(IProject,ILocation) Checks if the module in given location exists. An {@link ILocation} location needs to be passed with a revision number to return the correct result. (In case the module was moved.) To do this, use the setRevision(string revision) method. For example:
  IProject project = trackerService.getProjectsService().getProject(projectId); ILocation location = project.getLocation().append(myModuleDoc).setRevision("2126"); if (trackerService.getModuleManager().existModule(project,location)) { //DO SOMETHING }  
IModule getContainingModule(IWorkItem) Retrieve a module which contains the Work Item (if any)
boolean isModuleItem(IWorkItem) Checks if the given Work Item is stored in a module storage
boolean isExternalModuleItem(IWorkItem) Checks if the given Work Item is linked in a module storage
IModule createModule(IProject,ILocation,String,List,ILinkRoleOpt,boolean) Creates the module in given location with given parameters.
IModule createModule(IProject,ILocation,String,String,List,ILinkRoleOpt,boolean) Creates the module in given location with given parameters.
String getModuleWorkItemsQuery(IProject,ILocation) Returns the query to get the list of items contained in the given Document. The query matches both external Work Items referenced in the Document and Work Items stored in the Document. Consider using {@link IModule#createWorkItemsQuery()} instead of this method, especially if you need to combine the returned query with other query.
String getModuleWorkItemsQuery(IProject,ILocation,boolean) In addition to {@link #getModuleWorkItemsQuery(IProject,ILocation)} , the query has the option to exclude unreferenced Work Items from the query results. Consider using {@link IModule#createWorkItemsQuery()} instead of this method, especially if you need to combine the returned query with another query.
String getFolderWorkItemsQuery(IProject,ILocation) Returns a query that gets a list of Work Items stored in Documents in the given folder and its sub-folders. The query excludes external Work Items contained in the Documents that are stored in the folder.

Note: Folder in this interface has a different meaning than in {@link IFolderManager} . Here it refers to a real folder in the repository. These folders have a different hierarchy than {@link IFolder} s. (There is only a single folder level in the repository.)

boolean isModuleStructureLink(IWorkItem,ILinkRoleOpt,IWorkItem) Checks if this link is module structure link.
IModule duplicate(IModule,IProject,ILocation,String,ILinkRoleOpt,Set,Set,Set,Set) Duplicates the module to another (or same) project and location.
IModule duplicate(IModule,IProject,ILocation,String,ILinkRoleOpt,Set,Set,Set,Set,Map) Duplicates the module to another (or same) project and location.
IModule createDerivedModule(IModule,IProject,ILocation,String,Set,ILinkRoleOpt,Set,Set) Create a new module from the module template to another (or same) project and location.
IModule createDerivedModule(IModule,IProject,ILocation,String,Set,ILinkRoleOpt,Set,Set,Map) Create a new module from the module template to another (or same) project and location.
void updateWILinksAfterModuleReuse(Map,boolean,boolean) Updates inter-module links of Work Items after reuse of one or more modules
void updateDerivedModule(IModule,String,Set,Set) Shortcut for {@link #updateDerivedModule(IModule,String,Set,Set,boolean)} with autoSuspect set to false.
void updateDerivedModule(IModule,String,Set,Set,boolean) Updates a derived module to the new revision (baseline).
IDerivedModuleUpdater updateDerivedModule(IModule) Updates a derived module to the new revision (baseline). Returns a builder that allows you to set options for the update. It also allows for the removal of outgoing Work Item links. {@link IDerivedModuleUpdater} . Call build() at the end.
boolean isDerivedFromLink(IWorkItem,ILinkRoleOpt,IWorkItem) Checks if this link is module derived from link.
IModuleBrancher branchModule(IModule,IProject,ILocation,String) Return brancher object which allows specifying optional parameters and executing the actual branching.
IBranchDocumentsCommand branch() Branches one or more Documents.
void moveOutFromModules(Collection) Moves workitems out from modules to normal XML storage. Workitems which are not in any module are skipped.
IModule.IMoveReport moveOutFromModulesWithReport(Collection) Moves workitems out from modules to normal XML storage and reports which were skipped and which additional were moved. Workitems which are not in any module are skipped. Note it moves also all workitems which are (direct or indirect) children of passed workitems.
IModulePageLayouter getModulePageLayouter(String) Returns module page layouter with given name.
void registerModulePageLayouter(String,IModulePageLayouter) Registers module page layouter.

It is permitted to register one layouter under more names. It is permitted to reregister previously registered name.

void unregisterModulePageLayouter(String) Unregisters module page layouter.
Collection getRegisteredModulePageLayouterNames() Returns the names under which are the layouters registered.
List getModuleWorkItems(IProject,String,String,String,int) Returns Work Items contained by modules from given project, query and optional module folder
ITypeOpt getHeadingType(IProject) Returns Work Item type of Document headings in the project.

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