Modifiers and Type | Name | Description |
String | PROTO | |
String | KEY_LOCATION | |
String | KEY_ROOTNODE | |
String | KEY_AUTHOR | |
String | KEY_CREATED | |
String | KEY_UPDATED | |
String | KEY_UPDATEDBY | |
String | KEY_COMMENTS | |
String | KEY_TITLE | |
String | KEY_VARIANT | |
String[] | FIELD_ORDER | |
String | ENUM_ID_TYPE | |
String | ENUM_ID_STATUS | |
Modifiers and Type | Name | Description |
IRenderingLayoutStruct | addRenderingLayout(String,String,String) | Adds a new layout configuration. |
String | getModuleName() | Module name (name of the module's file, without path). |
String | getTitle() | |
void | setTitle(String) | Sets new document title. |
IWorkItem | updateTitleHeading(String) | Updates the first Title Heading in document content (if permissions allow it). {@link IWorkItem#save()} is called on the updated Title Heading. |
String | getTitleOrName() | |
String | getModuleFolder() | |
String | getModuleNameWithSpace() | Method returns module name with space in readable form Format: Space Name / Module Name or Module Name only if it's located in default space |
String | getRelativePath() | |
String | getTitleWithSpace() | |
IUser | getAuthor() | Returns this module author. The author field can not be changed, therefore there is no set method for this field. |
Date | getCreated() | |
Date | getUpdated() | |
IUser | getUpdatedBy() | |
ILocation | getModuleLocation() | Module location - location of module folder, relative to modules root in the given project. |
List | getAllowedWITypes() | |
ILinkRoleOpt | getStructureLinkRole() | |
boolean | areLinksFromParentToChild() | |
IStructureNode | getRootNode() | |
void | delete() | Removes module |
List | getContainedWorkItems() | Returns sorted list of active work items contained in this module. |
Set | filterWorkItems(String) | Returns the Document's active Work Items that match the query and adds their ancestors. Returns an empty collection if the query is null, empty, or contains only white space. Since 3.17.2 when filtering by outline number, only outline numbers in the given Document are taken into account. For example, for query outlineNumber:2* this method would NOT return Work Items that are referenced in other Documents but happen to match the outline number in the query. |
boolean | containsWorkItem(IWorkItem) | |
List | getAllWorkItems() | Returns all work items (even unreferenced) contained in this module. Works correctly only after commit. |
List | getUnreferencedWorkItems() | Returns unreferenced work items contained in this module(even module is from specific revision). Works correctly only after commit. |
IWorkItem | createWorkItem(String) | Creates and persists a Work Item, which will be stored in this Module. Note: Since it is already persisted, calling {@link IPObject#save()} afterwards on the Work Item is not necessary. |
IWorkItem | createUnreferencedWorkItem() | Creates unreferenced work item stored in this module. The instance is not persisted ( {@link IWorkItem#save()} must be called). Behaves the same as {@link #createWorkItem()} for old-style modules. |
void | removeWorkItem(IWorkItem) | Removes contained or external Work Item from the Document. |
IStructureNode | getStructureNodeOfWI(IWorkItem) | Returns the structure node representing this work item if the work item is from this module |
IWorkItem | getWorkItem(String) | Returns work item with given id. null is returned when such a work item does not exist in this module. Works only for internal work items, for external work items it returns null even when the external work item with given id exists in this module. |
IWorkItem | getWorkItem(String,String) | Returns work item with given project id and id. null is returned when such a work item does not exist in this module. Works for both internal and external work items. |
void | moveIn(Collection |
Moves workitems from XML storage to this module. Workitems from LiveDoc are skipped, because it is not supported to move them to module. |
void | moveIn(Collection |
Moves workitems from XML storage to this module. Workitems from LiveDoc are skipped, because it is not supported to move them to module. Note it moves also all workitems which are (direct or indirect) children of passed workitems. |
IMoveReport | moveInWithReport(Collection |
Moves workitems from XML storage to this module and reports which were skipped and which additional were moved. Workitems from LiveDoc are skipped, because it is not supported to move them to module. Note it moves also all workitems which are (direct or indirect) children of passed workitems. |
void | moveOut(Collection |
Moves workitems out from module to normal XML storage. Workitems which are not in this module are skipped. Note it moves also all workitems which are (direct or indirect) children of passed workitems. |
IMoveReport | moveOutWithReport(Collection |
Moves workitems out from module to normal XML storage and reports which were skipped and which additional were moved. Workitems which are not in this module are skipped. Note it moves also all workitems which are (direct or indirect) children of passed workitems. |
void | setDerivedFrom(IModule) | Set the reference to the derived module. This method should not be usually called directly, but user should rather use IModuleManager.createDerivedModule |
IModule | getDerivedFrom() | |
Collection | getDerivedFields() | If this module is derived ( {@link #getDerivedFrom()} does not return null ), this method returns the set of field IDs that are derived. This means the {@link IModuleManager#updateDerivedModule(IModule,String,Set,Set)} replaces the content of this fields with the values from original module. |
void | setDerivedFields(Collection |
Set the derived fields (@see getDerivedField to get to know what is the derived field) |
ILinkRoleOpt | getDerivedFromLinkRole() | If this module is derived (getDerivedFrom does not return false) this method returns the link role that is used to link derived item to original item |
void | setDerivedFromLinkRole(ILinkRoleOpt) | Set the derived_from link role (@see getDerivedFromLinkRole to get to know what is this link role) |
void | setBranchedFrom(IModule) | Sets Module from which was this one branched. |
void | setVariant(IWorkItem) | Sets the Variant work item from which this Module was created |
IWorkItem | getVariant() | Gets the Variant work item this Module was created from. Returns null, if Module was not created through a Variant |
IModule | getBranchedFrom() | Returns Module from which was this one branched. |
void | setBranchedWithQuery(String) | Sets query from which was this Module branched. |
String | getBranchedWithQuery() | Returns query from which was this Module branched or null if Module was branched without query. |
boolean | usesOutlineNumbering() | Returns true if outline numbering of workitems is used for this module. |
void | setUsesOutlineNumbering(boolean) | Sets whether outline numbering of workitems is used for this module. |
IOutlineNumberingDef | getOutlineNumbering() | Returns configuration of outline numbering of workitems for this module. |
String | getOutlineNumberingPrefix() | Gets prefix for outline numbering or null if prefix is not defined. |
void | setOutlineNumberingPrefix(String) | Sets prefix of outline numbering of workitems for this module. |
String | getOutlineNumberOfWorkitem(IWorkItem) | Returns outline number of work item. If the number is not defined, either empty string or null could be returned. |
boolean | isOldStyleModule() | |
Text | getHomePageContent() | Returns home page content. |
void | setHomePageContent(Text) | Set home page content. If this is not an old-style module then any prior change of the module structure will be forgotten and calls to {@link #getRootNode()} , {@link #getStructureNodeOfWI(IWorkItem)} , {@link #getContainedWorkItems()} , {@link #containsWorkItem(IWorkItem)} , {@link #getUnreferencedWorkItems()} or any other method working with module structure will not return correct values or perform correctly unless {@link #save()} and {@link #update()} are called. Behavioral differences when used with old-style modules:
List | getRenderingLayouts() | Returns rendering layouts. |
Text | renderHomePageContent(String,String,String) | Returns rendered home page content. Returns unchanged content for old-style modules. |
Text | renderHomePageContent(String,String,String,String) | Returns localized rendered home page content. Returns unchanged content for old-style modules. |
Text | renderHomePageContent(String,String,String,ILocalId) | |
IModuleComment | createComment(Text) | Creates the (temporary) comment object, which can be manipulated by the client. However, the comment is not persisted until it's explicitly saved. The fields |
IPObjectList<IModuleComment> | getComments() | Returns all comments of this module. |
IPObjectList<IModuleComment> | getRootComments() | Shortcut for getRootComments(true) . |
IPObjectList<IModuleComment> | getRootComments(boolean) | Returns root comments of this module. Optionally includes resolved comments. |
ITypeOpt | getHeadingWorkItemType() | |
void | removeComment(IModuleComment) | Remove comment object and all of it's children from module and persistence |
List | getHomePageContentParts() | |
boolean | checkConflictInParts(Set |
Checks if there is some conflict which would prevent merging of changes using the mergeContentParts method. |
Map | mergeContentParts(Set |
Merges partial changes with changes done by someone else, conflicts must be checked first by calling checkConflictInParts, result of calling this method when the conflict is detected is not defines. |
boolean | isAutoSuspect() | |
void | setAutoSuspect(boolean) | |
String | handleDocumentComments(String,String) | Process comments in form of span with id and add comment icon with tooltip |
IBaselineDiff | compareRevisions(String,String) | Compares two revisions of this module. |
IBaselineDiff | compareWith(IModule,String,String,String,String) | Compares with other module. |
void | move(String,String) | Moves or renames this document/module. |
IPObjectList | getDerivedModules() | Returns all documents/modules which are derived from this one. |
IPObjectList | getBranchedModules() | Returns all documents/modules which are branched from this one. |
List | findCommentsReferencingWorkItem(IWorkItem) | Finds comments for which the {@link IModuleComment#getReferredWorkItem()} equals the given work item |
IModuleComment | getCommentById(String) | Returns the comment with the given id (returns also the newly created comments) |
void | unreference(IWorkItem) | Moves workItem to documents recycle bin, does nothing when the workItem cannot be found |
IModificationDiff | compareFields(String,String) | Compares fields of two revisions of the document. |
IModificationDiff | compareFieldsWith(IModule,String,String) | Compares fields of a revision of this document with fields of a revision of the specified document. |
List | getExternalWorkItems() | Returns all external Work Items contained in Document content. |
void | addExternalWorkItem(IWorkItem) | Adds external Work Item into Document content. The external Work Item must not exist in Document content yet and must not be heading type ( {@link #getHeadingWorkItemType()} ). If external Work Item has revision ( {@link IWorkItem#getRevision()} then it is frozen in document content. |
IWorkItem | overwriteExternalWorkItem(IWorkItem) | Replace the given external Work Item in the Document content with a new one. The newly created Work Item within the Document will have updated values from the given one according to the layout defined in the Document. The content of the document will be updated. |
void | freezeExternalWorkItem(IWorkItem,String) | Freezes given external Work Item on given revision in Document content. The external Work Item must not be heading type ( {@link #getHeadingWorkItemType()} ). Whether or not the given item is revisioned is ignored. |
void | unfreezeExternalWorkItem(IWorkItem) | Un-freezes given external Work Item. Revision of given Work Item is deleted from Document content. Whether or not the given item is revisioned is ignored. |
String | getHeadingSidebarFields() | Returns field configuration for Work Item properties sidebar panel. IDs of fields are comma separated. |
IModuleHomePageBuilder | buildHomePage() | Returns builder of the home page that is useful for clients that build the full home page at once, in which case it is more convenient to use than the structure nodes API, and it also has much better performance in this scenario. You need to call {@link IModuleHomePageBuilder#set()} at the end to actually set the new home page content to the module. |
IModuleWorkItemsQueryBuilder | createWorkItemsQuery() | Creates a query for Work Items in this Document. |
Collection | getBranchedWithInitializedFields() | Returns the list of Work Item fields that were cleared and initialized with default values when this Document was branched. |
void | setBranchedWithInitializedFields(Collection |
Sets the Work Item initialized fields (@see getBranchedWithInitializedFields to get to know what is the Work Item initialized field) |
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