All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- rawToken(String) - Method in interface
Sets the raw token data.
- read() - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.projects.model.ISpacePermissions
- read() - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.model.IPObjectPermissions
- read(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.projects.model.ISpacePermissions
- READ - Enum constant in enum class
Read-only permission
- READ_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class
Read-write permission
- readAnnouncement(Element) - Static method in class com.polarion.platform.announce.Announcement
- readDocument(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.ITrackerProjectPermissions
Checks if current user can read Documents in space with given space id
- readFile(ILocation) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IReadableRepository
Read data from given file.
- readKey(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.model.IPObjectPermissions
- readLocation(ILocation, IDataHandlerContext) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.config.IDataHandler
Reads the location in the form suitable to be passed to
IDataHandler.writeLocation(ILocation, Object, IDataHandlerContext)
- readLocation(ILocation, IDataHandlerContext) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.repository.spi.config.AbstractDataHandler
- readLocations(List<ILocation>, IDataHandlerContext) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.config.IDataHandler
Read configuration from given locations Merges the hierarchy of configurations into one
- readLocations(List<ILocation>, IDataHandlerContext) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.repository.spi.config.AbstractDataHandler
- ReadOnlyException - Exception in com.polarion.platform.persistence
Thrown on an attept to modify read only
or it's field. - ReadOnlyException() - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.persistence.ReadOnlyException
- ReadOnlyException(String) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.persistence.ReadOnlyException
- ReadOnlyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.persistence.ReadOnlyException
- ReadOnlyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.persistence.ReadOnlyException
- readWorkflowConfig(String, IContextId) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.workflow.IWorkflowManager
- readWorkflowConfig(String, String, IContextId) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Returns the workflow which corresponds exactly to the given context, type and prototype, returns
if no workflow is defined for this combination of parameters. - recalculate(IContextId) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.ICalculatedFieldsService
Starts job that recalculates calculated fields in all objects in given context (recalculation needs to be done after change of calculated fields configuration).
- recalculate(IContextId, String) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.ICalculatedFieldsService
Starts job that recalculates calculated fields in all objects in given context (recalculation needs to be done after change of calculated fields configuration) and on given node in cluster.
- recognizeBuildArtifacts(ISourceRepository, ILocation, ILocation) - Method in class com.polarion.alm.builder.spi.AbstractNonMavenBuildArtifactRecognizer
- recognizeBuildArtifacts(ISourceRepository, ILocation, ILocation) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.spi.IBuildArtifactRecognizer
Try to recognize all known build artifacts.
- reconfigure(IExternalRepositoryConfiguration) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.external.IExternalRepositoryProvider.IExternalRepository
Called when configuration is changed to apply the changes.
- reconsiderLocation(ILocation) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.context.IContextService
This method is for internal use only.
- refreshAllConfigurations(boolean) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.external.IExternalRepositoryProviderRegistry
Sends all existing Polarion repository configurations from all projects to the External Repository Aggregator Service.
- refreshEnumerations(IContextId) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.IDataService
Refreshes enumerations (stored in the database) in a given project.
- registerBuildArtifactEngineer(String, IBuildArtifactEngineer) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.spi.IBuildArtifactEngineerRepository
Register engineer with given name.
- registered(IActivityStreamService) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.activity.IActivitySource
- registerExtender(IBuildExtender, Set) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.spi.IBuildExtenderRepository
Register extender.
- registerJobUnitFactory(String, IJobUnitFactory) - Method in interface
Register factory with given name.
- registerListener(IPersistenceListener) - Method in interface
Registers the listener for all events.
- registerListener(IPersistenceListener, IContextId) - Method in interface
Registers the listener only for evens on objects from given contex.
- registerListener(IPersistenceListener, String[]) - Method in interface
Registers the listener only for evens on objects of given prototypes.
- registerListener(IPersistenceListener, String[], IContextId) - Method in interface
Registers the listener only for evens on objects of given prototypes from given context.
- registerListener(IPersistenceListener, String[], IContextId, boolean) - Method in interface
Registers the listener only for events on objects of given prototypes from given context.
- registerModulePageLayouter(String, IModulePageLayouter) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.IModuleManager
Registers module page layouter.
- registerOutputFile(IBuildArtifact, File) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IMasterBuildJobUnit
Register output file whose contents should be logged during build.
- registerOutputFile(File) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.spi.IBuildArtifactEngineer.IEngineeringContext
Register output file whose contents should be logged during build.
- registerRecognizer(IBuildArtifactRecognizer) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.spi.IBuildArtifactRecognizerRepository
Register recognizer.
- registerRenderer(String, IElementRenderer) - Static method in class
- registerReport(IReportsRepository.IReport) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IReportsRepository
Register report.
- registerSerializator(ISerializationTools) - Static method in class com.polarion.qcentre.factbase.serialization.FactBaseSerializationTool
- registerShutdownHook(Runnable) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.shutdown.IShutdownService
Register shutdown hook.
- registerSource(IActivitySource) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.activity.IActivityStreamService
- remove() - Method in class com.polarion.platform.TransactionLocal
- remove(int) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.AbstractTypedList
- remove(int) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.PObjectList
- remove(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.IParametersLibrary
- removeACLConfigListener(IACLConfigProvider.IACLConfigListener, IContextId) - Method in interface
Unregister given listener from given context.
- removeApprovee(IUser) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
Removes the user from the approvees collection.
- removeApprovee(String, String) - Method in interface
Removes an approving user.
- removeAssignee(IUser) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
Removes a user from the list of assignees.
- removeAssignee(String, String) - Method in interface
Removes an assignee.
- removeAvatarFile() - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.projects.model.IUser
Removes custom avatar.
- removeBaseline() - Method in class
- removeBaseline() - Method in interface
Remove baseline (if any) from this context id and return a new context id.
- removeCategory(ICategory) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
- removeCategory(String, String) - Method in interface
Removes a Category.
- removeClusterName() - Method in class
- removeClusterName() - Method in interface
Remove cluster name (if any) from this context id and return a new context id.
- removeComment(IModuleComment) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
Remove comment object and all of it's children from module and persistence
- removeComment(T) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWithComments
Remove the comment object and all of its children
- removeConfigurationListener(String, String, IContextId, IConfigListener) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.config.IRepositoryConfigService
Removes already registered listener.
- removeContextId() - Method in interface
Remove context id (if any) from this object id and return new object id.
- removeContextId() - Method in class
- removeContextListener(IContextListener) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.context.IContextService
Removes the listener from all contexts, it's listening to.
- removeContextRole(IContextId, String) - Method in interface
- removeContextRole(String, IContextId) - Method in interface
Removes a global role.
- removeContextRoleFromUser(String, String, IContextId) - Method in interface
- removeContextRoleFromUser(String, String, IContextId) - Method in interface
- REMOVED - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.IPObjectDiff
- removeElement(IPObject) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.baselinecollection.IBaselineCollection
Removes the element for the given object if there is one.
- removeExport(IExport) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.exporter.IExportManager
Removes a completed export.
- removeExternalLinkedRevision(String, String, String) - Method in interface
Removes a revision from an external repository.
- removeExternallyLinkedItem(String, String, EnumOptionId) - Method in interface
Removes an external linked item.
- removeExternallyLinkedItem(URI, IEnumOption) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
Removes a given link.
- removeFileChangesListener(IFileChangesListener) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.service.repository.IRepositoryService
The unregister file changes the listener.
- removeFinishedBuild(IBuild) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IBuilderService
Removes finished build from
. - removeFinishedRootJob(IJob) - Method in interface
Remove finished job.
- removeFirstComponents(int) - Method in interface com.polarion.subterra.base.location.ILocation
Removes the first
components from the location path. - removeFirstComponents(int) - Method in class com.polarion.subterra.base.location.Location
- removeGlobalRole(String) - Method in interface
Removes the global role.
- removeGlobalRole(String) - Method in interface
- removeGlobalRoleFromUser(String, String) - Method in interface
- removeGlobalRoleFromUser(String, String) - Method in interface
- removeGroup(String) - Method in class
Removes User Group from the current configuration.
- removeGroup(String) - Method in interface
Removes the Group from the User.
- removeGroup(String) - Method in class
Removes the Group from all Users that are contained in the Group.
- removeGroupsFromUser(Collection<String>, String) - Method in class
Removes Groups from the given User.
- removeHyperlink(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
- removeHyperlink(String, String) - Method in interface
Removes a hyperlink.
- removeImportInfo(IImportInfo) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.importer.IImportManager
Removes finished import info.
- removeJobStateListener(IJob, IJobStateListener) - Method in interface
Remove listener for given job.
- removeJobStateListener(IJobStateListener) - Method in interface
Remove listener.
- removeLinkedItem(IWorkItem, IEnumOption) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
Removes the link.
- removeLinkedItem(String, String, EnumOptionId) - Method in interface
Removes a linked item.
- removeLinkedOslcResource(URI, IEnumOption) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWithLinkedOslcResources
Removes the OSLC link based on URI and role regardless of revision.
- removeLinkedRevision(IRevision) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
Removes the given revision from the link set.
- removeLinkedRevision(String, String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
Removes the given revision from the link set.
- removeLinkedRevision(String, String) - Method in interface
Removes a revision.
- removeLocation(ILocation) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IWritableRepository
Removes location (being it plain file or folder).
- removeMaintainer(IUser) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.scripting.IScript
Removes a user from the list of maintainers.
- removeOption(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.IEnumCollection
- removeParameter(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.parameters.IParametersManager
Removes the parameter.
- removeParameterDefinition(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.parameters.IParametersAndDefinitionsManager
Removes the parameter definition together with its value, if any (see
). - removePlanAllowedType(String, EnumOptionId) - Method in interface
Removes all occurrences of specified work item type from allowed types in Plan.
- removePlaningConstraint(String, Calendar, EnumOptionId) - Method in interface
Removes a planing constraint.
- removePlanItems(String, String[]) - Method in interface
Remove plan records to the plan
- removePlanningConstraint(Date, IPlanningConstraintOpt) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
Removes the given planning constraint.
- removeProjectFromPlanProjectSpan(String, String) - Method in interface
Removes all occurrences of specified Project from project span of the Plan.
- removeProjectFromProjectSpan(String, String) - Method in interface
Removes the specified Project from the Project Span of the Test Run.
- removeProperty(ILocation, String) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.service.repository.IRepositoryConnection
Removes property.
- removeProperty(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule.IRenderingLayoutStruct
- removeProperty(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.ITestRecord
- removeProperty(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.qcentre.factbase.IBaseElement
- removeProperty(String) - Method in class com.polarion.qcentre.factbase.impl.BaseElementDecorator
- removeProperty(String) - Method in class com.polarion.qcentre.factbase.Property
- removeRecord(IWorkItem) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IPlan
Removes all records for the given item (Normally only one record for each item is supported in Plan)
- removeRecordForTestCase(IWorkItem, int) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.ITestRun
Removes the record for the given Test Case and iteration number.
- removeRecordsForTestCase(IWorkItem) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.ITestRun
Removes the records from the given Test Case.
- removeRecordsForTestCase(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.ITestRun
instead. - removeRepositoryName() - Method in interface com.polarion.subterra.base.location.ILocation
Remove repository name (if any) from this location and return new location.
- removeRepositoryName() - Method in class com.polarion.subterra.base.location.Location
- removeRevision() - Method in interface
Remove revision from this local id and return new local id.
- removeRevision() - Method in interface
Remove revision (if any) from this object id's local id and return new object id.
- removeRevision() - Method in class
- removeRevision() - Method in class
- removeRevision() - Method in interface com.polarion.subterra.base.location.ILocation
Remove revision from this location and return new location.
- removeRevision() - Method in class com.polarion.subterra.base.location.Location
- removeRole(String) - Method in class
- removeRole(String) - Method in class
- removeRole(String, IContextId) - Method in interface
Removes the Role from the group.
- removeRoleFromGroups(String) - Method in class
Removes the Role from all Groups.
- removeRolesFromGroup(Collection<String>, String) - Method in class
Removes Role(s) from the given Group.
- removeSavedQuery(int, IProject, IUser, String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.ISavedQueriesManager
- removeSignature(IUser) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.signatures.IWorkflowSignature
Removes signature of the user, has no effect if there is no such signature.
- removeUnresolvableItems() - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IPlan
Removes records for unresolvable items.
- removeUpstreamCollection(IBaselineCollection) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.baselinecollection.IBaselineCollection
Removes the given Collection from the list of upstream Collections.
- removeUser(String) - Method in interface
- removeUser(String) - Method in interface
Removes the user ID from the list of users who can log in for all authentication providers
- removeUser(String) - Method in interface
- removeUser(String) - Method in interface
Removes the User from the group.
- removeUser(String) - Method in class
Removes the User from all Groups.
- removeUser(String) - Method in class
- removeUser(String, String) - Method in class
- removeUserConfigurationListener(String, String, IUserConfigListener) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.config.IRepositoryConfigService
Removes already registered listener.
- removeUserForDefault(String) - Method in class
- removeUserFromProvider(String, String) - Method in interface
Removes the user ID from the list of users who can login using the requested authentication provider
- removeUserFromRoles(String) - Method in interface
- removeUserGroup(String) - Method in interface
Removes the user Group.
- removeUserRole(String, String) - Method in class
- removeUsersFromGroup(Collection<String>, String) - Method in class
Removes Users from the given Group.
- removeWatchableRepositoryListener(IWatchableRepositoryListener) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IWatchableRepository
from watching all locations. - removeWatchableRepositoryListener(IWatchableRepositoryListener, Collection) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IWatchableRepository
from watching specified locations. - removeWatcher(IUser) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.watchlist.IWatches
Removes the user as a watcher from this object
- removeWorkflowSignature(IStatusOpt) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.signatures.IDocumentWorkflowSignaturesManager
Removes open workflow signature for the target workflow status, if there is such workflow signature.
- removeWorkflowSignature(IStatusOpt) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.signatures.IWorkflowSignaturesManager
Removes open workflow signature for the target workflow status, if there is such workflow signature.
- removeWorkItem(IWorkItem) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
Removes contained or external Work Item from the Document.
- removeWorkItemLevel() - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule.IStructureNode
Removes the level attribute from the corresponding node.
- removeWorkReport(IContextId, String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.workreport.IWorkReportManager
Removes the work report if it exists.
- rename() - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IDocumentPermissions
- RENAMED - Enum constant in enum class com.polarion.platform.repository.external.ExternalRepositoryUtils.Action
- render(IFormExtensionContext) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.ui.server.forms.extensions.IFormExtension
Polarion calls this method to get the HTML content that should be displayed in the Form or Sidebar of an object.
- render(IPObject, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.ui.server.forms.extensions.IFormExtension
Deprecated.Deprecated since 3.21.2. This method is kept for backward compatibility. New extensions should implement
- renderComments - Variable in class com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem.RenderingOptions
- renderDescription(Text, IWorkItem.RenderingOptions) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
Deprecated.use e.g.
. It is not rendered the same way. Use other functionality from the Rendering API to render as required. - renderHomePageContent(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
Returns rendered home page content.
- renderHomePageContent(String, String, String, ILocalId) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
- renderHomePageContent(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
Returns localized rendered home page content.
- renderImages - Variable in class com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem.RenderingOptions
- renderImagesAsPlainText - Variable in class com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem.RenderingOptions
- renderImagesFromHead - Variable in class com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem.RenderingOptions
- RENDERING_TARGET_COMPARE - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
- RENDERING_TARGET_EDITOR - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
- RENDERING_TARGET_EXPORT_COMPARE_PDF - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
- RENDERING_TARGET_EXPORT_PDF - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
- RENDERING_TARGET_PREVIEW - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
- RENDERING_TARGET_PRINT - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
- RENDERING_TARGET_ROUNDTRIP - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
- RENDERING_TARGET_SAVE - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
- RenderingOptions() - Constructor for class com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem.RenderingOptions
- RenderParameters(String, IModulePageLayouter.IRenderingLayout, int, int, CharSequence, IWorkItem, ILocalId) - Constructor for class com.polarion.alm.tracker.IModulePageLayouter.RenderParameters
- renderWorkItem(IModulePageLayouter.RenderParameters) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.IModulePageLayouter
Render Work Item using the given layout.
- renderWorkItemTemplate(IModulePageLayouter.RenderParameters) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.IModulePageLayouter
Render a template for the newly created Work Items that are used by the editor.
- renewToken(String, String) - Method in interface
Renews a user access token
- repeatTableHeaders() - Method in class com.polarion.alm.tracker.exporter.configuration.PageOptions
- replaceLocationPath(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.subterra.base.location.ILocation
Replace current location path with given location path and return new location.
- replaceLocationPath(String) - Method in class com.polarion.subterra.base.location.Location
- REPO_NAME_DELIM - Static variable in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.external.IExternalRepositoryProviderRegistry
Delimiter of context name and repository name in cluster name of revisions from external repositories.
- RepoBasedEnumeration - Class in com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi
Generic implementation of an enum factory.
- RepoBasedEnumeration(IRepositoryConfigService, String, String, IContextId) - Constructor for class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.RepoBasedEnumeration
- REPORT_LOCATION - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.model.IBuild
field reportLocation of class
- ReportPermission - Class in
Report permission class.
- ReportPermission(String) - Constructor for class
- reportProblem(ILocation, IConfigProblemCatcher.Severity, String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.config.IConfigProblemCatcher
Report problem in configuration file.
- REPOSITORY_NATURE - Static variable in class com.polarion.platform.context.ContextNature
- REPOSITORY_TAG - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.model.IBuildArtifact
field repositoryTag of class
- RepositoryConfigurationException - Exception in com.polarion.platform.repository.config
for configurations stored in repository. - RepositoryConfigurationException(ILocation) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.repository.config.RepositoryConfigurationException
- RepositoryConfigurationException(ILocation, String) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.repository.config.RepositoryConfigurationException
- RepositoryConfigurationException(ILocation, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.repository.config.RepositoryConfigurationException
- RepositoryConfigurationException(ILocation, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.repository.config.RepositoryConfigurationException
- RepositoryException - Exception in com.polarion.platform.service.repository
Root of uniform Repository exception hierarchy.
- RepositoryException() - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.RepositoryException
- RepositoryException(String) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.RepositoryException
- RepositoryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.RepositoryException
- RepositoryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.RepositoryException
- repositoryId(String) - Method in interface com.siemens.polarion.rt.collectors.api.RtCollectionModelFactory.RtFilePropertiesBuilder
Sets value for
- representAsXMLElement(Document) - Method in interface
Returns new element (without parent) representing this message.
- requiresToken() - Method in class com.polarion.alm.ui.server.navigation.NavigationExtender
Returns true if page requires a token.
- requiresToken() - Method in class com.polarion.alm.ui.server.navigation.NavigationExtenderNode
Returns true if page requires a token.
- resetSignatures() - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.signatures.IWorkflowSignature
Resets all existing signatures to invited status.
- resetWorkflow() - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkflowObject
Resets the workflow so that the Work Item enters the initial status.
- resetWorkflow(IWorkflowObject) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Resets the workflow so that the target enters the initial status.
- resetWorkflow(String) - Method in interface
Resets the workflow for the specified object.
- resolve() - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.model.IPObject
Resolves the object content if not yet resolved.
- resolve() - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.PObject
- resolve(int, int) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.model.IPObjectList.EmptyList
- resolve(int, int) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.model.IPObjectList
- resolve(int, int) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.PObjectList
- resolve(int, int) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.PObjectTypedList
- resolve(IPObject) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.IDataService
Resolves the
with data from the server. - resolve(IPObjectList) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.IDataService
A more efficient way for resolving more objects at once, than to resolve each one individually.
- resolveAll() - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.model.IPObjectList.EmptyList
- resolveAll() - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.model.IPObjectList
- resolveAll() - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.PObjectList
- resolveAll() - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.PObjectTypedList
- resolveFirst(int) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.model.IPObjectList.EmptyList
- resolveFirst(int) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.model.IPObjectList
- resolveFirst(int) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.PObjectList
- resolveFirst(int) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.PObjectTypedList
- ResourceConflictException - Exception in com.polarion.platform.service.repository
Exception raised when there was a conflict while resource was modified.
- ResourceConflictException(ILocation, ILocation) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ResourceConflictException
Exception without message and cause.
- ResourceConflictException(ILocation, ILocation, String) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ResourceConflictException
Exception without message and with cause.
- ResourceConflictException(ILocation, ILocation, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ResourceConflictException
Exception with message and cause.
- ResourceConflictException(ILocation, ILocation, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ResourceConflictException
Exception without message and with cause.
- resourceCopied(ILocation, ILocation) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.service.repository.FileChangesListenerAdapter
- resourceCopied(ILocation, ILocation) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.service.repository.IFileChangesListener
Resource on given location was copied.
- resourceCreated(ILocation) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.service.repository.FileChangesListenerAdapter
- resourceCreated(ILocation) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.service.repository.IFileChangesListener
Resource on given location was created.
- ResourceException - Exception in com.polarion.platform.service.repository
Raised when resource was not found.
- ResourceException(ILocation) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ResourceException
Exception without message and cause.
- ResourceException(ILocation, String) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ResourceException
Exception with message and without cause.
- ResourceException(ILocation, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ResourceException
Exception with message and cause.
- ResourceException(ILocation, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ResourceException
Exception without message and with cause.
- resourceModified(ILocation) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.service.repository.FileChangesListenerAdapter
- resourceModified(ILocation) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.service.repository.IFileChangesListener
Resource on given location was modified (either its resource properties, custom properties or contents).
- resourceMoved(ILocation, ILocation) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.service.repository.FileChangesListenerAdapter
- resourceMoved(ILocation, ILocation) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.service.repository.IFileChangesListener
Resource was moved from old to new location.
- resourceRemoved(ILocation) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.service.repository.FileChangesListenerAdapter
- resourceRemoved(ILocation) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.service.repository.IFileChangesListener
Resource on given location was removed.
- RESOURCES - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.model.IBuildArtifact
field resources of class
s - resourcesChanged(Collection) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IWatchableRepositoryListener
Notify that some watched resources were changed.
- result() - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.IIndexSearch
- ResultsSummary(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.polarion.alm.tracker.ITestsFileProcessor.ResultsSummary
- reuse() - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IDocumentPermissions
- reuseDocument(String, String, String, String, String, boolean, EnumOptionId, String[]) - Method in interface
Creates a new Document based on an existing Document.
- reuseExistingTransaction() - Method in class com.polarion.platform.TransactionExecuter
By default the executor will fail if its terminal method is executed in a transaction context.
- reuseModule(String, String, String, String, EnumOptionId, String[], String[], String[]) - Method in interface
Creates new Module/Document based on the existing Module/Document.
- revertLocal(ILocation, File, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.ILocallySynchronizableRepository
Revert local changes done in synchronized local copy.
- revision(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.IRichPageSelector
Optionally specify a revision, must be used before
orIRichPageSelector.spaceAndName(String, String)
- revision(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModuleHomePageBuilder.IWorkItemBuilder
Revision of the external work item.
- Revision - Class in
- Revision - Class in com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi
- Revision() - Constructor for class
- Revision(IDataService, IPrototype) - Constructor for class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.Revision
- Revision(IDataService, SubterraURI) - Constructor for class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.Revision
- Revision(IDataService, SubterraURI, IDataObject) - Constructor for class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.Revision
- Revision(String, String, Calendar, Boolean, String[], String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
- REVISION_CONSTANT - Static variable in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.external.IExternalRepositoryProvider
- REVISION_DELIM - Static variable in interface
Delimiter between object name and revision in normalized string representation.
- REVISION_DELIM_CHAR - Static variable in interface
Delimiter between object name and revision in normalized string representation.
- REVISION_LINKED - Static variable in interface com.polarion.psvn.core.notifications.INotificationEvent
- revisionAdded(IExternalRepositoryProvider.IExternalRepository, String) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.external.IExternalRepositoryProvider.IExternalRepositoryCallback
- revisionAdded(String) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ExtendedFileChangesListenerAdapter
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
- revisionAdded(String, String) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ExtendedFileChangesListenerAdapter
- revisionAdded(String, String) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.service.repository.IExtendedFileChangesListener
Revision was added.
- revisionProcessed(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.service.repository.IExtendedFileChangesListener
The given revision and all previous revisions (in order) have been fully processed.
- revMeta - Variable in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.notifications.ChangeInfo
- revoke(String, String) - Method in interface
Revokes a user access token
- revokeAll(String) - Method in interface
Revokes all access tokens from the given user
- RICH_PAGE_COMMENT_REMOVED - Static variable in interface com.polarion.psvn.core.notifications.INotificationEvent
- RICH_PAGE_COMMENTED - Static variable in interface com.polarion.psvn.core.notifications.INotificationEvent
- RICH_PAGE_CREATED - Static variable in interface com.polarion.psvn.core.notifications.INotificationEvent
- RICH_PAGE_DELETED - Static variable in interface com.polarion.psvn.core.notifications.INotificationEvent
- RICH_PAGE_UPDATED - Static variable in interface com.polarion.psvn.core.notifications.INotificationEvent
- richpage - Enum constant in enum class com.polarion.alm.tracker.exporter.configuration.PageCustomNames.ExportObjectType
- right() - Method in class com.polarion.alm.tracker.exporter.configuration.Margin
- RIGHT - Static variable in interface
Three-way change constant (value 8) indicating a change on right side.
- role(String) - Method in interface com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.RtLinkBuilder
Sets value for
- ROLES_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface com.polarion.psvn.core.notifications.INotificationEvent
- RolesConfig - Class in
- RolesConfig() - Constructor for class
- RolesConfig(InputStream) - Constructor for class
- RolesConfig(Document) - Constructor for class
- rollbackTx() - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.ITransactionService
This is a shortcut for
, that wraps all exceptions thrown by theUserTransaction.rollback()
into uncheckedRuntimeException
, so that the clients don't have to handle them (since they typically cannot be handled anyway). - ROOT_CTX_NAME - Static variable in interface com.polarion.platform.context.IContextService
- ROOT_ELEMENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.polarion.qcentre.factbase.IFactBase
- ROOT_NATURE - Static variable in class com.polarion.platform.context.ContextNature
- Row - Class in
- Row() - Constructor for class
- Row(Text[]) - Constructor for class
- RtBranchConfiguration - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.collectors.api
The branch collection configuration fetched from the Polarion side.
- RtCollectionContext - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.collectors.api
Contains all the information and methods needed for the repository file's collection processing.
- RtCollectionModelFactory - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.collectors.api
The factory for creating collection model entities.
- RtCollectionModelFactory.RtFilePropertiesBuilder - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.collectors.api
Builder for
. - RtCollector - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.collectors.api
The collector of changed files from the repository.
- RtElement - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.model
The element object that represents various declarations in the source file depending on the target parser language.
- RtElementBuilder - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api
The builder for creating elements
. - RtFile - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.collectors.api.model
A representation of an actual repository file including its properties and content.
- RtFileProperties - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.collectors.api.model
Repository file's properties.
- RtLink - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.model
The link object that references Polarion objects like Work Items from the source file.
- RtLinkBuilder - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api
The builder for creating link objects
. - RtObjectReference - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.model
A link reference to a Polarion object.
- RtObjectType - Enum Class in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.model
The possible Polarion object types that are used in
. - RtParser - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api
The Parser for the source files collected from the repository.
- RtParserDescriptor - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api
Implement this interface to add additional information related to the parser.
- RtParserProperties - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api
The parser configuration properties.
- RtParsingContext - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api
The context used while parsing.
- RtParsingException - Exception in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.exceptions
The wrapper for the exception that could not be handled by the parser implementation.
- RtParsingException() - Constructor for exception com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.exceptions.RtParsingException
- RtParsingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.exceptions.RtParsingException
- RtParsingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.exceptions.RtParsingException
- RtParsingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.exceptions.RtParsingException
- RtParsingModelFactory - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api
The factory for creating parsing model entities.
- RtPosition - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.model
- RtRepositoryCollectionConfiguration - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.collectors.api
The repository collection configuration fetched from the Polarion side.
- run() - Method in class com.polarion.core.util.RunnableWEx
- run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface
Run job.
- run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class
- runBuild(IBuildArtifact, String, String, String, String, Properties) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IBuilderService
Run build.
- runCleanJob(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IBuilderService
Run clean job on given local deployment space.
- runInPlatform(IPlatform, Runnable) - Static method in class com.polarion.platform.core.PlatformContext
- 3.17.0 without replacement
- runnable(Runnable) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.TransactionExecuter
Executes the runnable in a transaction.
- RunnableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.core.util.RunnableWEx.RunnableException
- RunnableWEx<T> - Class in com.polarion.core.util
which permits the execution of a set of operations that can throw exceptions and/or return a result. - RunnableWEx() - Constructor for class com.polarion.core.util.RunnableWEx
- RunnableWEx.RunnableException - Exception in com.polarion.core.util
- runWEx() - Method in class com.polarion.core.util.RunnableWEx
Similar to the
method, but can return a result of the executed operations and the method can throw an exception. - runWRet() - Method in class com.polarion.core.util.RunnableWEx
Similar to the
method, but can return a result of the executed operations.
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
IWorkflowManager.readWorkflowConfig(String, String, IContextId)