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rawToken(String) - Method in interface
Sets the raw token data.
read() - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.projects.model.ISpacePermissions
read() - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.model.IPObjectPermissions
read(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.projects.model.ISpacePermissions
READ - Enum constant in enum class
Read-only permission
READ_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class
Read-write permission
readAnnouncement(Element) - Static method in class com.polarion.platform.announce.Announcement
readDocument(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.ITrackerProjectPermissions
Checks if current user can read Documents in space with given space id
readFile(ILocation) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IReadableRepository
Read data from given file.
readKey(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.model.IPObjectPermissions
readLocation(ILocation, IDataHandlerContext) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.config.IDataHandler
Reads the location in the form suitable to be passed to IDataHandler.writeLocation(ILocation, Object, IDataHandlerContext)
readLocation(ILocation, IDataHandlerContext) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.repository.spi.config.AbstractDataHandler
readLocations(List<ILocation>, IDataHandlerContext) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.config.IDataHandler
Read configuration from given locations Merges the hierarchy of configurations into one
readLocations(List<ILocation>, IDataHandlerContext) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.repository.spi.config.AbstractDataHandler
ReadOnlyException - Exception in com.polarion.platform.persistence
Thrown on an attept to modify read only IPObject or it's field.
ReadOnlyException() - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.persistence.ReadOnlyException
ReadOnlyException(String) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.persistence.ReadOnlyException
ReadOnlyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.persistence.ReadOnlyException
ReadOnlyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.persistence.ReadOnlyException
readWorkflowConfig(String, IContextId) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.workflow.IWorkflowManager
readWorkflowConfig(String, String, IContextId) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Returns the workflow which corresponds exactly to the given context, type and prototype, returns null if no workflow is defined for this combination of parameters.
recalculate(IContextId) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.ICalculatedFieldsService
Starts job that recalculates calculated fields in all objects in given context (recalculation needs to be done after change of calculated fields configuration).
recalculate(IContextId, String) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.ICalculatedFieldsService
Starts job that recalculates calculated fields in all objects in given context (recalculation needs to be done after change of calculated fields configuration) and on given node in cluster.
recognizeBuildArtifacts(ISourceRepository, ILocation, ILocation) - Method in class com.polarion.alm.builder.spi.AbstractNonMavenBuildArtifactRecognizer
recognizeBuildArtifacts(ISourceRepository, ILocation, ILocation) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.spi.IBuildArtifactRecognizer
Try to recognize all known build artifacts.
reconfigure(IExternalRepositoryConfiguration) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.external.IExternalRepositoryProvider.IExternalRepository
Called when configuration is changed to apply the changes.
reconsiderLocation(ILocation) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.context.IContextService
This method is for internal use only.
refreshAllConfigurations(boolean) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.external.IExternalRepositoryProviderRegistry
Sends all existing Polarion repository configurations from all projects to the External Repository Aggregator Service.
refreshEnumerations(IContextId) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.IDataService
Refreshes enumerations (stored in the database) in a given project.
registerBuildArtifactEngineer(String, IBuildArtifactEngineer) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.spi.IBuildArtifactEngineerRepository
Register engineer with given name.
registered(IActivityStreamService) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.activity.IActivitySource
registerExtender(IBuildExtender, Set) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.spi.IBuildExtenderRepository
Register extender.
registerJobUnitFactory(String, IJobUnitFactory) - Method in interface
Register factory with given name.
registerListener(IPersistenceListener) - Method in interface
Registers the listener for all events.
registerListener(IPersistenceListener, IContextId) - Method in interface
Registers the listener only for evens on objects from given contex.
registerListener(IPersistenceListener, String[]) - Method in interface
Registers the listener only for evens on objects of given prototypes.
registerListener(IPersistenceListener, String[], IContextId) - Method in interface
Registers the listener only for evens on objects of given prototypes from given context.
registerListener(IPersistenceListener, String[], IContextId, boolean) - Method in interface
Registers the listener only for events on objects of given prototypes from given context.
registerModulePageLayouter(String, IModulePageLayouter) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.IModuleManager
Registers module page layouter.
registerOutputFile(IBuildArtifact, File) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IMasterBuildJobUnit
Register output file whose contents should be logged during build.
registerOutputFile(File) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.spi.IBuildArtifactEngineer.IEngineeringContext
Register output file whose contents should be logged during build.
registerRecognizer(IBuildArtifactRecognizer) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.spi.IBuildArtifactRecognizerRepository
Register recognizer.
registerRenderer(String, IElementRenderer) - Static method in class
registerReport(IReportsRepository.IReport) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IReportsRepository
Register report.
registerSerializator(ISerializationTools) - Static method in class com.polarion.qcentre.factbase.serialization.FactBaseSerializationTool
registerShutdownHook(Runnable) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.shutdown.IShutdownService
Register shutdown hook.
registerSource(IActivitySource) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.activity.IActivityStreamService
remove() - Method in class com.polarion.platform.TransactionLocal
remove(int) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.AbstractTypedList
remove(int) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.PObjectList
remove(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.IParametersLibrary
removeACLConfigListener(IACLConfigProvider.IACLConfigListener, IContextId) - Method in interface
Unregister given listener from given context.
removeApprovee(IUser) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
Removes the user from the approvees collection.
removeApprovee(String, String) - Method in interface
Removes an approving user.
removeAssignee(IUser) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
Removes a user from the list of assignees.
removeAssignee(String, String) - Method in interface
Removes an assignee.
removeAvatarFile() - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.projects.model.IUser
Removes custom avatar.
removeBaseline() - Method in class
removeBaseline() - Method in interface
Remove baseline (if any) from this context id and return a new context id.
removeCategory(ICategory) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
removeCategory(String, String) - Method in interface
Removes a Category.
removeClusterName() - Method in class
removeClusterName() - Method in interface
Remove cluster name (if any) from this context id and return a new context id.
removeComment(IModuleComment) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
Remove comment object and all of it's children from module and persistence
removeComment(T) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWithComments
Remove the comment object and all of its children
removeConfigurationListener(String, String, IContextId, IConfigListener) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.config.IRepositoryConfigService
Removes already registered listener.
removeContextId() - Method in interface
Remove context id (if any) from this object id and return new object id.
removeContextId() - Method in class
removeContextListener(IContextListener) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.context.IContextService
Removes the listener from all contexts, it's listening to.
removeContextRole(IContextId, String) - Method in interface
removeContextRole(String, IContextId) - Method in interface
Removes a global role.
removeContextRoleFromUser(String, String, IContextId) - Method in interface
removeContextRoleFromUser(String, String, IContextId) - Method in interface
REMOVED - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.IPObjectDiff
removeElement(IPObject) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.baselinecollection.IBaselineCollection
Removes the element for the given object if there is one.
removeExport(IExport) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.exporter.IExportManager
Removes a completed export.
removeExternalLinkedRevision(String, String, String) - Method in interface
Removes a revision from an external repository.
removeExternallyLinkedItem(String, String, EnumOptionId) - Method in interface
Removes an external linked item.
removeExternallyLinkedItem(URI, IEnumOption) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
Removes a given link.
removeFileChangesListener(IFileChangesListener) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.service.repository.IRepositoryService
The unregister file changes the listener.
removeFinishedBuild(IBuild) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IBuilderService
Removes finished build from IBuildInformationRepository.
removeFinishedRootJob(IJob) - Method in interface
Remove finished job.
removeFirstComponents(int) - Method in interface com.polarion.subterra.base.location.ILocation
Removes the first n components from the location path.
removeFirstComponents(int) - Method in class com.polarion.subterra.base.location.Location
removeGlobalRole(String) - Method in interface
Removes the global role.
removeGlobalRole(String) - Method in interface
removeGlobalRoleFromUser(String, String) - Method in interface
removeGlobalRoleFromUser(String, String) - Method in interface
removeGroup(String) - Method in class
Removes User Group from the current configuration.
removeGroup(String) - Method in interface
Removes the Group from the User.
removeGroup(String) - Method in class
Removes the Group from all Users that are contained in the Group.
removeGroupsFromUser(Collection<String>, String) - Method in class
Removes Groups from the given User.
removeHyperlink(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
removeHyperlink(String, String) - Method in interface
Removes a hyperlink.
removeImportInfo(IImportInfo) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.importer.IImportManager
Removes finished import info.
removeJobStateListener(IJob, IJobStateListener) - Method in interface
Remove listener for given job.
removeJobStateListener(IJobStateListener) - Method in interface
Remove listener.
removeLinkedItem(IWorkItem, IEnumOption) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
Removes the link.
removeLinkedItem(String, String, EnumOptionId) - Method in interface
Removes a linked item.
removeLinkedOslcResource(URI, IEnumOption) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWithLinkedOslcResources
Removes the OSLC link based on URI and role regardless of revision.
removeLinkedRevision(IRevision) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
Removes the given revision from the link set.
removeLinkedRevision(String, String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
Removes the given revision from the link set.
removeLinkedRevision(String, String) - Method in interface
Removes a revision.
removeLocation(ILocation) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IWritableRepository
Removes location (being it plain file or folder).
removeMaintainer(IUser) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.scripting.IScript
Removes a user from the list of maintainers.
removeOption(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.IEnumCollection
removeParameter(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.parameters.IParametersManager
Removes the parameter.
removeParameterDefinition(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.parameters.IParametersAndDefinitionsManager
Removes the parameter definition together with its value, if any (see IParametersManager.removeParameter(String)).
removePlanAllowedType(String, EnumOptionId) - Method in interface
Removes all occurrences of specified work item type from allowed types in Plan.
removePlaningConstraint(String, Calendar, EnumOptionId) - Method in interface
Removes a planing constraint.
removePlanItems(String, String[]) - Method in interface
Remove plan records to the plan
removePlanningConstraint(Date, IPlanningConstraintOpt) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
Removes the given planning constraint.
removeProjectFromPlanProjectSpan(String, String) - Method in interface
Removes all occurrences of specified Project from project span of the Plan.
removeProjectFromProjectSpan(String, String) - Method in interface
Removes the specified Project from the Project Span of the Test Run.
removeProperty(ILocation, String) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.service.repository.IRepositoryConnection
Removes property.
removeProperty(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule.IRenderingLayoutStruct
removeProperty(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.ITestRecord
removeProperty(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.qcentre.factbase.IBaseElement
removeProperty(String) - Method in class com.polarion.qcentre.factbase.impl.BaseElementDecorator
removeProperty(String) - Method in class com.polarion.qcentre.factbase.Property
removeRecord(IWorkItem) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IPlan
Removes all records for the given item (Normally only one record for each item is supported in Plan)
removeRecordForTestCase(IWorkItem, int) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.ITestRun
Removes the record for the given Test Case and iteration number.
removeRecordsForTestCase(IWorkItem) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.ITestRun
Removes the records from the given Test Case.
removeRecordsForTestCase(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.ITestRun
removeRepositoryName() - Method in interface com.polarion.subterra.base.location.ILocation
Remove repository name (if any) from this location and return new location.
removeRepositoryName() - Method in class com.polarion.subterra.base.location.Location
removeRevision() - Method in interface
Remove revision from this local id and return new local id.
removeRevision() - Method in interface
Remove revision (if any) from this object id's local id and return new object id.
removeRevision() - Method in class
removeRevision() - Method in class
removeRevision() - Method in interface com.polarion.subterra.base.location.ILocation
Remove revision from this location and return new location.
removeRevision() - Method in class com.polarion.subterra.base.location.Location
removeRole(String) - Method in class
removeRole(String) - Method in class
removeRole(String, IContextId) - Method in interface
Removes the Role from the group.
removeRoleFromGroups(String) - Method in class
Removes the Role from all Groups.
removeRolesFromGroup(Collection<String>, String) - Method in class
Removes Role(s) from the given Group.
removeSavedQuery(int, IProject, IUser, String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.ISavedQueriesManager
removeSignature(IUser) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.signatures.IWorkflowSignature
Removes signature of the user, has no effect if there is no such signature.
removeUnresolvableItems() - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IPlan
Removes records for unresolvable items.
removeUpstreamCollection(IBaselineCollection) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.baselinecollection.IBaselineCollection
Removes the given Collection from the list of upstream Collections.
removeUser(String) - Method in interface
removeUser(String) - Method in interface
Removes the user ID from the list of users who can log in for all authentication providers
removeUser(String) - Method in interface
removeUser(String) - Method in interface
Removes the User from the group.
removeUser(String) - Method in class
Removes the User from all Groups.
removeUser(String) - Method in class
removeUser(String, String) - Method in class
removeUserConfigurationListener(String, String, IUserConfigListener) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.config.IRepositoryConfigService
Removes already registered listener.
removeUserForDefault(String) - Method in class
removeUserFromProvider(String, String) - Method in interface
Removes the user ID from the list of users who can login using the requested authentication provider
removeUserFromRoles(String) - Method in interface
removeUserGroup(String) - Method in interface
Removes the user Group.
removeUserRole(String, String) - Method in class
removeUsersFromGroup(Collection<String>, String) - Method in class
Removes Users from the given Group.
removeWatchableRepositoryListener(IWatchableRepositoryListener) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IWatchableRepository
Remove IWatchableRepositoryListener from watching all locations.
removeWatchableRepositoryListener(IWatchableRepositoryListener, Collection) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IWatchableRepository
Remove IWatchableRepositoryListener from watching specified locations.
removeWatcher(IUser) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.watchlist.IWatches
Removes the user as a watcher from this object
removeWorkflowSignature(IStatusOpt) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.signatures.IDocumentWorkflowSignaturesManager
Removes open workflow signature for the target workflow status, if there is such workflow signature.
removeWorkflowSignature(IStatusOpt) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.signatures.IWorkflowSignaturesManager
Removes open workflow signature for the target workflow status, if there is such workflow signature.
removeWorkItem(IWorkItem) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
Removes contained or external Work Item from the Document.
removeWorkItemLevel() - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule.IStructureNode
Removes the level attribute from the corresponding node.
removeWorkReport(IContextId, String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.workreport.IWorkReportManager
Removes the work report if it exists.
rename() - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IDocumentPermissions
RENAMED - Enum constant in enum class com.polarion.platform.repository.external.ExternalRepositoryUtils.Action
render(IFormExtensionContext) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.ui.server.forms.extensions.IFormExtension
Polarion calls this method to get the HTML content that should be displayed in the Form or Sidebar of an object.
render(IPObject, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.ui.server.forms.extensions.IFormExtension
Deprecated since 3.21.2. This method is kept for backward compatibility. New extensions should implement IFormExtension.render(IFormExtensionContext)
renderComments - Variable in class com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem.RenderingOptions
renderDescription(Text, IWorkItem.RenderingOptions) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem
use e.g. WorkItemFields.description(). It is not rendered the same way. Use other functionality from the Rendering API to render as required.
renderHomePageContent(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
Returns rendered home page content.
renderHomePageContent(String, String, String, ILocalId) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
renderHomePageContent(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
Returns localized rendered home page content.
renderImages - Variable in class com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem.RenderingOptions
renderImagesAsPlainText - Variable in class com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem.RenderingOptions
renderImagesFromHead - Variable in class com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem.RenderingOptions
RENDERING_TARGET_COMPARE - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
RENDERING_TARGET_EDITOR - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
RENDERING_TARGET_EXPORT_COMPARE_PDF - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
RENDERING_TARGET_EXPORT_PDF - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
RENDERING_TARGET_PREVIEW - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
RENDERING_TARGET_PRINT - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
RENDERING_TARGET_ROUNDTRIP - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
RENDERING_TARGET_SAVE - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModule
RenderingOptions() - Constructor for class com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkItem.RenderingOptions
RenderParameters(String, IModulePageLayouter.IRenderingLayout, int, int, CharSequence, IWorkItem, ILocalId) - Constructor for class com.polarion.alm.tracker.IModulePageLayouter.RenderParameters
renderWorkItem(IModulePageLayouter.RenderParameters) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.IModulePageLayouter
Render Work Item using the given layout.
renderWorkItemTemplate(IModulePageLayouter.RenderParameters) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.IModulePageLayouter
Render a template for the newly created Work Items that are used by the editor.
renewToken(String, String) - Method in interface
Renews a user access token
repeatTableHeaders() - Method in class com.polarion.alm.tracker.exporter.configuration.PageOptions
replaceLocationPath(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.subterra.base.location.ILocation
Replace current location path with given location path and return new location.
replaceLocationPath(String) - Method in class com.polarion.subterra.base.location.Location
REPO_NAME_DELIM - Static variable in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.external.IExternalRepositoryProviderRegistry
Delimiter of context name and repository name in cluster name of revisions from external repositories.
RepoBasedEnumeration - Class in com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi
Generic implementation of an enum factory.
RepoBasedEnumeration(IRepositoryConfigService, String, String, IContextId) - Constructor for class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.RepoBasedEnumeration
REPORT_LOCATION - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.model.IBuild
field reportLocation of class ILocation
ReportPermission - Class in
Report permission class.
ReportPermission(String) - Constructor for class
reportProblem(ILocation, IConfigProblemCatcher.Severity, String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.config.IConfigProblemCatcher
Report problem in configuration file.
REPOSITORY_NATURE - Static variable in class com.polarion.platform.context.ContextNature
REPOSITORY_TAG - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.model.IBuildArtifact
field repositoryTag of class String
RepositoryConfigurationException - Exception in com.polarion.platform.repository.config
ConfigurationException for configurations stored in repository.
RepositoryConfigurationException(ILocation) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.repository.config.RepositoryConfigurationException
RepositoryConfigurationException(ILocation, String) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.repository.config.RepositoryConfigurationException
RepositoryConfigurationException(ILocation, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.repository.config.RepositoryConfigurationException
RepositoryConfigurationException(ILocation, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.repository.config.RepositoryConfigurationException
RepositoryException - Exception in com.polarion.platform.service.repository
Root of uniform Repository exception hierarchy.
RepositoryException() - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.RepositoryException
RepositoryException(String) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.RepositoryException
RepositoryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.RepositoryException
RepositoryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.RepositoryException
repositoryId(String) - Method in interface com.siemens.polarion.rt.collectors.api.RtCollectionModelFactory.RtFilePropertiesBuilder
representAsXMLElement(Document) - Method in interface
Returns new element (without parent) representing this message.
requiresToken() - Method in class com.polarion.alm.ui.server.navigation.NavigationExtender
Returns true if page requires a token.
requiresToken() - Method in class com.polarion.alm.ui.server.navigation.NavigationExtenderNode
Returns true if page requires a token.
resetSignatures() - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.signatures.IWorkflowSignature
Resets all existing signatures to invited status.
resetWorkflow() - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IWorkflowObject
Resets the workflow so that the Work Item enters the initial status.
resetWorkflow(IWorkflowObject) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.workflow.IWorkflowManager
Resets the workflow so that the target enters the initial status.
resetWorkflow(String) - Method in interface
Resets the workflow for the specified object.
resolve() - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.model.IPObject
Resolves the object content if not yet resolved.
resolve() - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.PObject
resolve(int, int) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.model.IPObjectList.EmptyList
resolve(int, int) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.model.IPObjectList
resolve(int, int) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.PObjectList
resolve(int, int) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.PObjectTypedList
resolve(IPObject) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.IDataService
Resolves the IPObject with data from the server.
resolve(IPObjectList) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.IDataService
A more efficient way for resolving more objects at once, than to resolve each one individually.
resolveAll() - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.model.IPObjectList.EmptyList
resolveAll() - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.model.IPObjectList
resolveAll() - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.PObjectList
resolveAll() - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.PObjectTypedList
resolveFirst(int) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.model.IPObjectList.EmptyList
resolveFirst(int) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.model.IPObjectList
resolveFirst(int) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.PObjectList
resolveFirst(int) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.PObjectTypedList
ResourceConflictException - Exception in com.polarion.platform.service.repository
Exception raised when there was a conflict while resource was modified.
ResourceConflictException(ILocation, ILocation) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ResourceConflictException
Exception without message and cause.
ResourceConflictException(ILocation, ILocation, String) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ResourceConflictException
Exception without message and with cause.
ResourceConflictException(ILocation, ILocation, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ResourceConflictException
Exception with message and cause.
ResourceConflictException(ILocation, ILocation, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ResourceConflictException
Exception without message and with cause.
resourceCopied(ILocation, ILocation) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.service.repository.FileChangesListenerAdapter
resourceCopied(ILocation, ILocation) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.service.repository.IFileChangesListener
Resource on given location was copied.
resourceCreated(ILocation) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.service.repository.FileChangesListenerAdapter
resourceCreated(ILocation) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.service.repository.IFileChangesListener
Resource on given location was created.
ResourceException - Exception in com.polarion.platform.service.repository
Raised when resource was not found.
ResourceException(ILocation) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ResourceException
Exception without message and cause.
ResourceException(ILocation, String) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ResourceException
Exception with message and without cause.
ResourceException(ILocation, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ResourceException
Exception with message and cause.
ResourceException(ILocation, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ResourceException
Exception without message and with cause.
resourceModified(ILocation) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.service.repository.FileChangesListenerAdapter
resourceModified(ILocation) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.service.repository.IFileChangesListener
Resource on given location was modified (either its resource properties, custom properties or contents).
resourceMoved(ILocation, ILocation) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.service.repository.FileChangesListenerAdapter
resourceMoved(ILocation, ILocation) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.service.repository.IFileChangesListener
Resource was moved from old to new location.
resourceRemoved(ILocation) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.service.repository.FileChangesListenerAdapter
resourceRemoved(ILocation) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.service.repository.IFileChangesListener
Resource on given location was removed.
RESOURCES - Static variable in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.model.IBuildArtifact
field resources of class Collection of ILocalDeploymentDefinitions
resourcesChanged(Collection) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IWatchableRepositoryListener
Notify that some watched resources were changed.
result() - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.persistence.IIndexSearch
ResultsSummary(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.polarion.alm.tracker.ITestsFileProcessor.ResultsSummary
reuse() - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IDocumentPermissions
reuseDocument(String, String, String, String, String, boolean, EnumOptionId, String[]) - Method in interface
Creates a new Document based on an existing Document.
reuseExistingTransaction() - Method in class com.polarion.platform.TransactionExecuter
By default the executor will fail if its terminal method is executed in a transaction context.
reuseModule(String, String, String, String, EnumOptionId, String[], String[], String[]) - Method in interface
Creates new Module/Document based on the existing Module/Document.
revertLocal(ILocation, File, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.ILocallySynchronizableRepository
Revert local changes done in synchronized local copy.
revision(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.IRichPageSelector
Optionally specify a revision, must be used before IRichPageSelector.path(String) or IRichPageSelector.spaceAndName(String, String)
revision(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.tracker.model.IModuleHomePageBuilder.IWorkItemBuilder
Revision of the external work item.
Revision - Class in
Revision - Class in com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi
Revision() - Constructor for class
Revision(IDataService, IPrototype) - Constructor for class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.Revision
Revision(IDataService, SubterraURI) - Constructor for class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.Revision
Revision(IDataService, SubterraURI, IDataObject) - Constructor for class com.polarion.platform.persistence.spi.Revision
Revision(String, String, Calendar, Boolean, String[], String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
REVISION_CONSTANT - Static variable in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.external.IExternalRepositoryProvider
REVISION_DELIM - Static variable in interface
Delimiter between object name and revision in normalized string representation.
REVISION_DELIM_CHAR - Static variable in interface
Delimiter between object name and revision in normalized string representation.
REVISION_LINKED - Static variable in interface com.polarion.psvn.core.notifications.INotificationEvent
revisionAdded(IExternalRepositoryProvider.IExternalRepository, String) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.repository.external.IExternalRepositoryProvider.IExternalRepositoryCallback
revisionAdded(String) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ExtendedFileChangesListenerAdapter
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
revisionAdded(String, String) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.service.repository.ExtendedFileChangesListenerAdapter
revisionAdded(String, String) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.service.repository.IExtendedFileChangesListener
Revision was added.
revisionProcessed(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.service.repository.IExtendedFileChangesListener
The given revision and all previous revisions (in order) have been fully processed.
revMeta - Variable in class com.polarion.platform.persistence.notifications.ChangeInfo
revoke(String, String) - Method in interface
Revokes a user access token
revokeAll(String) - Method in interface
Revokes all access tokens from the given user
RICH_PAGE_COMMENT_REMOVED - Static variable in interface com.polarion.psvn.core.notifications.INotificationEvent
RICH_PAGE_COMMENTED - Static variable in interface com.polarion.psvn.core.notifications.INotificationEvent
RICH_PAGE_CREATED - Static variable in interface com.polarion.psvn.core.notifications.INotificationEvent
RICH_PAGE_DELETED - Static variable in interface com.polarion.psvn.core.notifications.INotificationEvent
RICH_PAGE_UPDATED - Static variable in interface com.polarion.psvn.core.notifications.INotificationEvent
richpage - Enum constant in enum class com.polarion.alm.tracker.exporter.configuration.PageCustomNames.ExportObjectType
right() - Method in class com.polarion.alm.tracker.exporter.configuration.Margin
RIGHT - Static variable in interface
Three-way change constant (value 8) indicating a change on right side.
role(String) - Method in interface com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.RtLinkBuilder
Sets value for RtLink.getRole()
ROLES_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface com.polarion.psvn.core.notifications.INotificationEvent
RolesConfig - Class in
RolesConfig() - Constructor for class
RolesConfig(InputStream) - Constructor for class
RolesConfig(Document) - Constructor for class
rollbackTx() - Method in interface com.polarion.platform.ITransactionService
This is a shortcut for getUserTransaction().rollback(), that wraps all exceptions thrown by the UserTransaction.rollback() into unchecked RuntimeException, so that the clients don't have to handle them (since they typically cannot be handled anyway).
ROOT_CTX_NAME - Static variable in interface com.polarion.platform.context.IContextService
ROOT_ELEMENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.polarion.qcentre.factbase.IFactBase
ROOT_NATURE - Static variable in class com.polarion.platform.context.ContextNature
Row - Class in
Row() - Constructor for class
Row(Text[]) - Constructor for class
RtBranchConfiguration - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.collectors.api
The branch collection configuration fetched from the Polarion side.
RtCollectionContext - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.collectors.api
Contains all the information and methods needed for the repository file's collection processing.
RtCollectionModelFactory - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.collectors.api
The factory for creating collection model entities.
RtCollectionModelFactory.RtFilePropertiesBuilder - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.collectors.api
Builder for RtFileProperties.
RtCollector - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.collectors.api
The collector of changed files from the repository.
RtElement - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.model
The element object that represents various declarations in the source file depending on the target parser language.
RtElementBuilder - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api
The builder for creating elements RtElement.
RtFile - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.collectors.api.model
A representation of an actual repository file including its properties and content.
RtFileProperties - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.collectors.api.model
Repository file's properties.
RtLink - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.model
The link object that references Polarion objects like Work Items from the source file.
RtLinkBuilder - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api
The builder for creating link objects RtLink.
RtObjectReference - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.model
A link reference to a Polarion object.
RtObjectType - Enum Class in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.model
The possible Polarion object types that are used in RtObjectReference.
RtParser - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api
The Parser for the source files collected from the repository.
RtParserDescriptor - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api
Implement this interface to add additional information related to the parser.
RtParserProperties - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api
The parser configuration properties.
RtParsingContext - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api
The context used while parsing.
RtParsingException - Exception in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.exceptions
The wrapper for the exception that could not be handled by the parser implementation.
RtParsingException() - Constructor for exception com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.exceptions.RtParsingException
RtParsingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.exceptions.RtParsingException
RtParsingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.exceptions.RtParsingException
RtParsingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.exceptions.RtParsingException
RtParsingModelFactory - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api
The factory for creating parsing model entities.
RtPosition - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.parsers.api.model
The position of a parsed element (for example RtLink or RtElement) in the source file.
RtRepositoryCollectionConfiguration - Interface in com.siemens.polarion.rt.collectors.api
The repository collection configuration fetched from the Polarion side.
run() - Method in class com.polarion.core.util.RunnableWEx
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface
Run job.
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class
runBuild(IBuildArtifact, String, String, String, String, Properties) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IBuilderService
Run build.
runCleanJob(String) - Method in interface com.polarion.alm.builder.IBuilderService
Run clean job on given local deployment space.
runInPlatform(IPlatform, Runnable) - Static method in class com.polarion.platform.core.PlatformContext
in 3.17.0 without replacement
runnable(Runnable) - Method in class com.polarion.platform.TransactionExecuter
Executes the runnable in a transaction.
RunnableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.polarion.core.util.RunnableWEx.RunnableException
RunnableWEx<T> - Class in com.polarion.core.util
Runnable which permits the execution of a set of operations that can throw exceptions and/or return a result.
RunnableWEx() - Constructor for class com.polarion.core.util.RunnableWEx
RunnableWEx.RunnableException - Exception in com.polarion.core.util
runWEx() - Method in class com.polarion.core.util.RunnableWEx
Similar to the method, but can return a result of the executed operations and the method can throw an exception.
runWRet() - Method in class com.polarion.core.util.RunnableWEx
Similar to the method, but can return a result of the executed operations.
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